Chapter Twenty-Six

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There wasn't a cloud in the clear baby blue sky. The wind rustled the heather and made reeds dance lazily near the lake shore. The breeze formed ripples over the surface of the lake; they met the pebbles feebly at the shore, lapping at the edge.
It was scorching hot; it was noon and the middle of green-leaf. A cream she-cat picked her way down the the shore, carefully following the tabby ahead.
Aspenrose bounded to catch up with Addertuft. She padded alongside her friend, weaving through tall swaying grass as the ground leveled out.
       The two she-cats pushed through the reeds into the open. Pebbles lined the shore, clanking together as the cats followed the edge of the water.
       Addertuft turned to look at the cream she-cat. "So what herb are you looking for exactly?" She asked, hazel eyes searching the shore.
        Aspenrose pointed with her tail to a clump of abundantly growing leaves by the water's edge. "Watermint, for Heathermoon's bellyache," Aspenrose explained.
Once they reached the green plant, the she-cats started plucking them from the stems gently. Aspenrose picked up her bundle, padding beside Addertuft to head back to camp.
"Did you hear? Olivepaw and Mallowpaw are doing their final assessments today," Addertuft mumbled through her mouthful of watermint.
Aspenrose nodded in response. About time. WindClan had needed the extra warriors, ever since Silverleaf had joined StarClan.
"Too bad Minnowleaf isn't here to watch his siblings," Addertuft added. "But I'm sure he's watching in StarClan."
Aspenrose could only bring herself to flick her tail. Minnowleaf had been WindClan's previous medicine cat apprentice before he was attacked and killed by rogues. Guilt tightened in her chest. I'm taking his place now... And I'm not even WindClan-born.
Aspenrose let her eyes drift to Addertuft. I may not have WindClan blood, but WindClan will always be home. She smiled to herself.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join me in the clearing," Harestar's yowl sounded around the clearing. Stars flecked the night sky.
Aspenrose found a place to sit next to Addertuft and Crystalflame, Addertuft's mother. Their leader stood on the crest above the camp, his white fur blazing in the moonlight, tabby patches dappling his pelt.
       "It is about time WindClan received some new warriors," Harestar announced.
      Aspenrose spotted the excited apprentices near the front of the crowd of cats. Olivepaw sat up tall with her ears pricked and amber  gaze soft with worry. Her black tabby pelt was barely visible in the night. Mallowpaw puffed out his chest, green eyes sparking with confidence, brown tabby pelt neatly groomed for the occasion.
       "Olivepaw, please come forwards," Olivepaw padded up the rise hesitantly, gaze flickering with anticipation.
"I, Harestar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn," Harestar spoke the ancient words passed on moon upon moon until now.
"Olivepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," Olivepaw mewed gently.
Harestar nodded. "Then the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Olivepaw, from this moment on you will be know as Oliveclaw. StarClan honors your strength and fighting skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."
Harestar touched his nose to the newly made warrior's head, and she bounded gracefully down the crest to join her Clan.
Harestar preformed the same ceremony to Mallowpaw. "Mallowpaw, from this moment on you will be know as Mallowfall. StarClan honors your independence and your skill in battle."
       "Oliveclaw! Mallowfall!" The Clan cheered out. As they broke away, Aspenrose took in her thoughts. WindClan had received two new warriors who would serve their Clan honorably. Aspenrose stopped herself. She looked around at her Clanmates. I'm home.

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