Part 13

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Jenniferbella: 💝💝you guys called it! Our new song Shout our to my ex is out now!👤@ littlemix @ jadethirlwall @ PerrieEdwards @ jesynelson @ leighannepinnock Liked by Bradleywillsimpson, littlemix and 13

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Jenniferbella: 💝💝you guys called it! Our new song Shout our to my ex is out now!
👤@ littlemix @ jadethirlwall @ PerrieEdwards @ jesynelson @ leighannepinnock
Liked by Bradleywillsimpson, littlemix and 13.6 million others
Bradleywillsimpson: smashed it again x
Littlemix: 😊😊so happy it's finally released xx
Alyssatrnr: 🤩🤩killing it x
Nickiminaj: 😍😍Wow!! xx
Rihanna: ❤️❤️
Jamesmcvey: a vibe!!


Littlemix: shout out to my ex is our now! xx👤@ JenniferbellaLiked by jenniferbella, nickiminaj and 4

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Littlemix: shout out to my ex is our now! xx
👤@ Jenniferbella
Liked by jenniferbella, nickiminaj and 4.32 million others
Jenniferbella: 😛😛x
Nickiminaj: love it xxx
Jenniferxlittlemix: THIS IS EVERYTHING!
Littlemixstaaan: Maaad!!😜xx


Bradleywillsimpson: 😊Liked by Jenniferbella, jamesmcvey and 1

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Bradleywillsimpson: 😊
Liked by Jenniferbella, jamesmcvey and 1.2 million others
Jenniferbella: 😢😢aww Jess is my fave x
Bradleywillsimpson: @ jenniferbella thought that was me? :(( x
Jenniferbella: you're a close second x
Jennxthevamps: ^ mY hEaRt!!❤️
jennstan: WHY aren't THEY together??? X

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