Newt's Niffler

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 Newt was in his vault at Gringotts. The room was bare except for the several piles of galleons, sickles, and knuts. He wasn't rich, but he had a good amount of money from working at the Ministry. The vault smelled old and grimy, almost like an alleyway. Newt strode over to the piles and picked up a handful of galleons. All of a sudden, a weird rustling noise came from under a pile. Some of Newt's coins came crashing down. That's odd, he thought. He quickly put his handful of coins into his coat pocket. Newt Scamander was a man in his twenties. He had curly, brown hair that almost covered his eyes. He had brown eyes and a kind smile.

"Come on, Mr. Scamander. We don't have all day," the goblin behind Newt ordered.

"Yes, just give me one moment," Newt responded.

Newt was a kind animal lover. His job was to take care of beasts at the Ministry. He loved his job very much. Newt also had a hobby of collecting beasts and taking care of them. Newt was expelled at Hogwarts but allowed to keep his wand. His parents were very disappointed in him, of course, but he left and started his ambition with beasts.

By now, the coins seemed to be disappearing into thin air. All of the coins fell to the floor with a crashing sound. A small head poked out of the puddle of coins on the floor. The tiny head had pointy hair in the back and on its face, the creature had two tiny eyes and a long beak. This creature was immediately recognizable to Newt. It was a Niffler. The Niffler came out from under the galleons, sickles, and knuts and forcefully started shoving things into a pouch on its belly. The Niffler had hands with five fingers and sharp nails. It had a tail made of feathers and had feet with three toes and sharp nails. If the Niffler had curled up into a sphere, it would have been about twice the size of an orange.

"Well, hurry up now," The goblin said, annoyed. "We need to get back to the entrance hall. I have other work to do."

Newt bent down and seized the Niffler. He turned around to get back into the cart with it, but it slipped out of Newt's hands and got into the cart itself. The cart was shaped like a small box that had wheels connected to the tracks in front of the vault. It sped off without Newt or the goblin.

"Stop! Stop now!" The goblin cried after it.

After the cart disappeared from view, the goblin sighed and pressed some buttons on a little square remote.

Soon after, another cart stopped right in front of the angry-looking goblin and Newt. They got into the cart and sped off in the opposite direction it came from.

In the cart, Newt studied the goblin. It had pointy ears that stuck out on the side, grey hair that was pulled back, a long, pointy, sharp nose, cold, dark eyes, a frown, and several wrinkles on its forehead and under its eyes. Newt then thought about his beasts, and how the Niffler could be another great pet to keep in his briefcase. His creatures were the only thing important to him. Newt's family had abandoned him when he got expelled from Hogwarts.

When they got back to the large room that had thousands of goblins behind desks, Newt thanked the goblin and ran off with his briefcase. The Niffler would probably be in a jewelry shop. Newt briskly walked down Diagon Alley. Newt caught a small whiff of butterbeer, which smelled a lot like caramel. He observed the many shops on his right and left. On Newt's left, he spotted Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, the joke shop. In the window of the shop, there was a toilet that sounded like it was flushing itself. Newt also noticed Eeylop's Owl Emporium and heard squeaks and chirps coming from it. On Newt's right, he saw Ollivanders. Through the window, Newt could see the dust-covered counter with piles of wands stacked on top of it. He also noticed Portage's Cauldron Shop. In the window, there was a pewter cauldron on display with a price tag that said 4 Galleons. Once Newt arrived at Jady's Jewelry Shop, he entered. It was a small shop, filled with rows of tables with jewelry piled onto them. The shop smelled of fresh perfume. Newt wasted no time and went over to the lady at the counter.

"Hi, I'm Jady. How can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for a Niffler. Did you happen to see one?"

"Oh, no, I didn't. I certainly hope that there isn't a Niffler anywhere near my shop.

"Why not?" Newt asked curiously. Beasts always fascinated him and he would love to have a Niffler.

"Those Nifflers cause havoc and they're also thieves. Of course I wouldn't want one, " Jady shook her head.

Newt sighed. His biggest fear was that other witches and wizards would destroy the beasts that Newt kept in his briefcase.

A sudden crash in the back of the store sent Newt excitedly running towards the sound. It turned out that an old lady had accidentally knocked over some jewelry.

Newt disappointingly exited the shop when there was another loud crash coming from the side of the shop near the restrooms. Better safe than sorry, Newt thought as he went over to where the sound came from. It was, in fact, the Niffler. The Niffler was stuffing valuable items into its pocket. Newt opened his briefcase, set it on the floor, and grabbed for the Niffler. It dodged just in time and hopped over to another table full of jewelry. Newt had read a lot about Nifflers. He knew that the best way to capture them was to grab them by their feet. Newt made a snatch for the Niffler's feet and amazingly got hold of it. He turned the Niffler upside down and shook it to get all the contents out of its pocket. Out of it came piles and piles of jewelry, gold, and shiny objects like pocket watches. It took Newt almost five minutes to shake all of the stolen items inside the Niffler out.

"I'm going to call you Freebooter," Newt exclaimed in satisfaction. Freebooter was a name for a pirate or one who steals gold. Newt then rushed over to his suitcase and stuffed Freebooter inside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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