♦{Chapter 7 -Friends you say?}♦

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Heyyo!!! its me!! I am back!!! long time huh? I am writing this not long before I am finally free lol so imma post this in the 13th of August 2019 sooooo it's only like the 4th of August lol....but imma tell y'all that if u all read my announcement you might know that this will be ending soon....but I am planning to make book 2 well if you All want haha I will write 5 or more chapters before this ends don't kill me if I don't post cuz the 16th or was it the 19th is our official Back to school soo yep....luv u all lovelyz be healthy!!

Update: this is the 6th of August andI finally finished half of this and oh look it's past me!!! ^^ ok bye luv luv


"What?" I asked this guy who must be my brother? Since he looks too young to be my father omaygahd "don't what me! Let's go!" He dragged me by my so called backpack and my so called mom kissed both of us goodbye As he dragged me...he was running fast good thing I have night stamina or I might've passed out a long long time ago...

After almost 10 minutes of running we reached this big modern building with very greyish color a lot of guys and girls were walking in with the same clothes as This Moonbin guy and Me "yah brat lets go or We might be late!" This guy flicked my forehead "Ok! YOU JUST CROSSED THE LINE YOU BIG SACK OF POTATOES!! Stfu before I slap you bish!" Then I covered my mouth in shock....I didn't even know where that came from but heol I don't think those were nice words "Yah!" I ran away going inside the building


Then I suddenly hit a thing or someone....I look up to see.....

This cute Curly haired guy....he had big brown sparkly cute eyes.... And small cute Pink Plump cute lips...his Cheeks had a little bit of a pinkish tint into them too...

"Hey there need a hand?" He said In a very unique dialect....he also smiled which revealed his cute teeth "oh haha hi!" I said Grabbing his hands As he pulled me up "are you hurt?" He said Pouting has he looked at my knees and Elbows and Palms "I-I am fine to you thank- I mean thank fine you to- no I mean *sigh*" he chuckled cutely

"It's no problem! Your soo cute! I am Song Hyeongjun By the way nice to meet you uhh....Moon Kyumi!" He said after pinching my cheeks "your name is quite unique...I never knew someone who had a name Hyeongjun!" He chuckled again

"My name isn't that unique haha but thanks i like your name too!" He said chuckling as I laughed long


"Btw Which class are you in? I am in class 10-Aplus ! How about you?" Then I snapped to reality...what was my class? And what?

"Uhmmm don't mind me asking but...what class are you talking about?" He Chuckled and Apologized "My apologies you must be new I will help you to your way in the main office to get your Time table and home room" you just nodded along even if you didn't understand any bit of that time table and Home room..Haha..

I followed him and we got these papers "now this is your Timetable and your locker number...fortunately This locker number is Just across mine and We have all of our classes together! So you are also in Class 10-Aplus!" He said as he cheered and I cheered along...."Hyeongjun?"

He hummed in response as we walked down some halls and stairs "What is class 10-Aplus?" He looked at me and chuckled lightly "it's for High grade students...higher than 10-F, 10-D, 10-C, 10-B, And 10-A...basically for high grade students"

"Students? Girls are also allowed to Go study in higher grades now?" He Looked at me confusedly "Yeah of course.....ever since the 100th century haha! It's already the 21st century you must have lived in the country side" 

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