Chapter 18: Acceptance

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Logan's POV:

"He's in the lead!" Nikki screams cheerfully next to me. "He's gonna win!"

"What? Are you sure?!" I gasped, standing on the tips of my toes. I could barely see the cars as the cars came racing from the back road.

"Yes!" She screamed over the roaring of the crowd around them, and the vibration of engines from the vehicles that were fast approaching.

"Oh my God, yes!" I scream for joy. I start running over to the end to see Willem's, or as he wants me to call him now, the Crow, car.

Tires squealed, rubber burned, and a rush of cars came down the final stretch. I could see his black Charger clearly now, and it was nosed out in front of their friends, Levi's blue Camaro, but barely.

"It's so close!" her friend grabbed her palm, squeezing.

Four seconds left... Come on, Willem

Three seconds...the flag was lifted.

Two....Come on..

The cars zoomed by, screeching to a halt as they stopped, leaving tred on the road, and it felt as if silence had spread through the hoard.

Finally, whoever was announcing got their shit together, and a voice bellowed over the speaker system, "And The Crow takes first place! Willem Arrowood wins!"

The audience exploded, some in cheers at the victory, other's in groans and complaints, and possibly a fist fight. Bets had been placed, after all.

"He won!" I exclaimed excitedly, jumping a little, "Nikks! He's cleared for the quarter-finals!"

I make it to his car as he's climbing out, "Will!"

He turns his head, smirking, as I jump into his arms placing a searing kiss to his lips, which he responds immediately. I pull back with the biggest smile on my face. That night was something special for the both of us.

—Six nights —

I woke in the early hours of the morning in a hotel room. I was confused knowing for a fact that I feel asleep in Willem's car after we- oh shit. We..we slept together. I slept with Willem Arrowood, the bad boy, in the backseat of his car. It was rough, and hard, and fast, and...and I- I liked it. The thrill of it. The rush of it. It was amazing.

I sit up slightly in the bed, looking around the room. It was a nice hotel room, probably costing a lot of money. I look to my right and see my phone sitting on the bedside table. I take it to look at the time- 3:26 am.

"I see someone's awake" I gasp and look for the voice. I notice the en-suit bathroom door is open with Will standing in the door way with his arms crossed and a grin. I rake my eyes over his shirtless and pantless body. I don't answer.

He stalks over to me climbing onto the bed. He crawls over with the most seductive smile playing on his lips. My eyes fall to lips as I watch him climb on top of me. My eyes flicker to his. I watch emotions flash in his sparkling blue, ocean eyes- lust, happiness, playfulness.

His eyes flicker to mine as his grin widens, "Hi."

"H-hi." I feel my face redden as the blush creeps onto my face.

"Those moves you pulled earlier were quite impressive, you know, for a virgin." My face is officially red as a tomato. I blink with trying to keep the heat that's starting to pool in between my thighs from continuing. I swallow thickly. He smirks, but it fades to a frown. My brows furrow in confusion."I didn't hurt you, did I?"

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