I'm Not Him

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem. If I did all of the games would have an anime tied to it. All well, we can dream.

"Wh-who are you?" That single question labeled him an amnesiac, just like her mother was (not his mother, she remembered her past). He hadn't ment for his voice to be so confused, he wanted to be upset and angry but confusion had taken hold of his voice. Why was his sister here? His sister wasn't with him, she left him just like their parents had.

When her arms went around him he'd felt like a kid again. He didn't feel like Exalt Morgan, he felt like Luci's little brother. But Luci died in his arms and when the light left her eyes his childishness followed it. Just like he always did. He had been alone, hadn't even had time to grieve before another battle took hold. A battle he was forced to lead his friends through, Luci couldn't protect anyone any more. The few seconds of joy he first had faded, Lucina wasn't his Luci and he wasn't her Morgan.

He hated causing that look in her eyes, that complete heartbreak. He knew that feeling, or one close to it. It was the heartbreak knowing that the person you knew was gone. In a way he felt guilty for causing it but she left him first. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are," he'd apologized when she asked if he really forgot who she was. He was careful with that reply. He remembered his Luci, who she looked just like, but he didn't know who this Lucina was. If she'd gone through what he and his sister had. He was really sorry too. Sorry for himself and her. Sorry they weren't who each other wanted.

He'd adopted a carefree mask because it was easy. It was so much easier to laugh and smile because it made her smile. It was better to see her smile than let his tears fall. Maybe he wasn't the Morgan she believed he was but he could act like he was. He wanted to see her smile again and again because Luci hadn't smiled, a real smile instead of that fake one ment to reassure him, for years before she left. So he wanted Lucina to smile for his Luci.

As time went on he began to view her as a sister. No she wasn't Luci and he would never think of her that way but she could be Lucina. Just because he'd lost his sister didn't mean she had to lose her brother.

A.N: So, thoughts? I know it's probably filled with mistakes but I've tried to fix as many as possible. Please tell me ways to improve, anything's helpful. Except for tell me to not write angst, that isn't helpful. I like writing angst, and a lot of my friends say my angst is better than my fluff anyway.

This was just supposed to be one interpretation of Morgan as Lucina's brother. I always liked the idea of Morgan being from another timeline and my mind ran away with this sneaky plot bunny. Would any one be interested in seeing a Morgan like this (who lost his sister at a young age) who replaced Lucina in Awakening? It'd be an AU obviously.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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