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Yuna blinked before giggling lightly. She put a finger to her chin, no doubt thinking of how to explain. She hummed to herself.

"Well, Subclasses are lower vampires. We serve our Master who is a Servamp. And uh- Servamps are 'Servant Vampires'. There are only 7 of them and they are immortal."

Nako blinked. Weren't vampires just supposed to be myths and immortality a fool's dream? She shook her head softly, what was this.

"Anyways, Master is named Old Child of Pride." Yuma's red eyes slid towards Nako's. "Though, you know Master as 'Midnight'."

Nako's blinked before letting out a laugh of disbelief. "Midnight is a bat. They-"

"Master transformed in front of you didn't he." Yuna interrupted. "He did it to save you, you should be grateful."

Nako stiffened at the sudden hostility the girl was showing. "So, you're telling me that vampires are real, and you are one along with whatever master you have."

Yuna nodded, a pleasant smile returning to her face. "You are one as well now."

Nako blinked twice, her brain not comprehending what the girl in front of her said. "E-excuse me. But I'm human, what are you talking about."

"Subclasses are made from a Servamp's blood when they are on the brink of death, able to transform them into a vampire. So now you are a Subclass."

"But I didn't drink-" Flashbacks appeared from the last night. "That boy... is he your master?"

Yuna nodded, you will meet him soon enough. "Just stay here and wait, he will arrive whenever he deems fit."

And with that Yuna left Nako alone. Nako stared at the wall. She was a vampire now? That was insane. Vampires shouldn't even exist, they were just scary stories that were meant to scare kids.

However, Nako somehow believed it was the truth. Her eyes shifted back towards the mirror. Seeing nothing but a black figure in place of her body. It made sense, vampires don't have reflections.

She tentatively brought her fingers up to her mouth. The soft flesh grazing over her teeth. Not surprised in the least, she found fangs. 

Nako sighed to herself before walking over, and looking out the window.

This was going to be her new reality.

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