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I thought, well whatever! MOORE THAN ONE STORY AT A TIME! that's gonna be a lot of work, but I have a lot of fun writing these chapters, and I may have found a good name for Sako when she becomes a sailor guardian. The dedication for this chapter goes to AriannaTheNinja.  Also, looks like we're in for my longest chapter. Here's where things get interesting! So here's chapter three! Enjoy!


Sako couldn't believe it. It was impossible. Weird. Mortifying. Horrible. Horrific. Crazy. and many more words just alike those may never describe the disgust you'd see when you'd look at such a revolting creature. 

It was Mortifying from the beginning, but after being morphed with cybernetic life-forms, It was just scary. at first, it was a disgusting little fleshy, gooey, eyeball-y moth that had a face a mother couldn't love. It had two bulging red eye balls on each pair of wings, a even bigger and more bug-like red eye on it's face, and a line of a mouth going straight down the middle. it was Melted and flesh-colored, with burnt and rotted sacks of flesh hanging from it's wings, making it slow. it antenna were more like antlers on a dear. Now, it was a robot fleshy gooey eyeball-y moth.

Sako practically fainted at her new experiment. "My stars," Sako said, using her pointer finger to scratch her chin. 

"What in the solar system are you?" She tapped on the jar, eyeing it.She heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in!" she yelled, stilling the jar and rolling her chair back to her computer.

 Sailor Neptune entered the room gracefully. "Oh, hey Michiru." Sako said joyfully. Sailor Neptune's attention quickly turned too the disgusting creature. "What the..." She trailed off, sweat-dropping. "Wow," Sako started, "That was the least expressive reaction so far!" She finished, clapping. Neptune opened her mouth to say something, when a large crash could be heard from the far left of Crystal Tokyo. 

Sako yelped in alarm. She and Neptune rushed to the window, to see the sky turned brownish-black and a strange floating circus left-to-center of the city. Sako's eyes widened as she looked to Eye-Fly. The jar was broken, and the revolting creature had escaped. Sako's eyes welled with fear. Neptune grabbed Sako's hand and ushered her out of the room and into the guardian meeting room. It's Where Serenity, Seiya and all eight Sailor guardians met for meeting. Neo-Queen Serenity and King Seiya were already present, along with all the other Planetary Guardians. 

"My Queen, What is that?" Sailor Saturn asked, pointing to the circus. Serenity stared at the strange fortress solemnly. 

"The Dead Moon Circus." She said. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus cast their heads down. "Mom? Dad? What's the Dead Moon Circus?" Sako asked her parents. Seiya casually shrugged. "The Dead Moon Circus is an former enemy of the white moon. Serenity pointed to the Dead Moon Circus. "Ruled by the angry and vain Queen of the New Moon, Nehellienia." 

 The name shook fear into Sako's bones. "However, we beat her once, and now with the extra help of the outer guardians, I'm confident we can do it again." She said confidently. "Yeah!" The rest of the Guardians chirped in harmony. Seiya patted Sako's arm. "You stay here in this room. Even though you can't transform, nothing should be able to hurt you in the crystal palace as long as Mom is in here, alright?" Sako nodded solemnly. Seiya rushed out of the door, joining the Sailor Guardians. Serenity was perched on the balcony, supporting her friends with energy. 

Sako softly walked out of the room. She gripped on to her skirt, as she walked. as she quietly tried to make it to the balcony where her mother was, she saw a soft blue light shine from the restricted area. Light... Could that light help mommy and daddy beat the Dead Moon Circus?  She thought, opening the door. Inside it, lay the Legendary Silver Crystal. The jewel Serenity saved worlds with. As Sako walked towards it, her eyes dulled. She grabbed the Gem from the pillow and slipped the sliver chain around her neck. slipping it underneath her shirt, Sako carefully held it to her heart and ran out of the room. She rand to the balcony to give this to her mother, but her mother wasn't moving. in fact, she was asleep. on the ground. Sako leaned down and shook her mother. "Mommy?" She called. No reply. "Mommy, please wake up! Mommy!" She shouted. Her mother did not wake. She touched her mother's heart. Still had a heart beat. She looked over the balcony. The sailor guardians -and her father- were in a similar state. the Circus floated supremely over the demolished city. Sako's eyes dulled and widened. Clutching the Legendary Silver Crystal, Sako ran. She ran as fast as she could. She tripped over something shiny. Looking back at it, she realized what it was. 

One of Pluto's Space Time Keys. 

Sako grabbed the key and ran at lighting speed. She entered the attic and her eyes welled with tears at the unguarded space time door. She pushed it open. 
Please, She thought. Please help me!

-----------------------------------------SAILOR MOON------------------------------

Sako found herself in an strange place. It was raining, and she was sitting on the ledge of a fountain. Just how far did the key take me back? Did it somehow glitch and take me to the future? Where am I? Why am I just sitting here? Are my friends okay? What about Nix, Mizuki and Mako? What'll happen to my home? How will I get back? How can I be so sure I'll find help here? Questions bubbled through her head. She scrunched up her face. She felt a light tap on her shoulder. She looked up. She cocked her head at the blonde standing in front of her. She wore her hair the same way Sako and her mother did. "Are you okay? Why are you out here alone? your parents must be worried," She said. Sako shook her head. "I don't know," She simply said. "You poor kid. What's your name?" The teen asked. "S-Sako." "Okay then Sako, I'll take you to my house. My mom'll cook you some food and you can hang out with my very disobedient cousin, Chibiusa. And I'll get you out of these wet clothes too, So don't worry. Oh right! Where are my manners? My name is Usagi Tsukino." She said, petting Sako's hair. Sako smiled. She grabbed onto Usagi's hand and let her lead the way. 




Mommy, Daddy, Please be safe. I'll find someone strong to help you! Promise!

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