"He's mine"

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It was a normal day at the villain hideout. Tomura was sitting on a bar stool, Kurogiri was cleaning a shot glass that he's had in his misty hand for what seemed like over ten minutes, Toga was painting Magne's nails, and Spinner and Twice were talking to each other on the messed up couch.

They were waiting for Dabi to get back from stealing supplies. Nobody understood why Kurogiri didn't just warp him in and out but they didn't question it. Tomura was getting impatient from waiting for so long and stood up. “Where are you going Shigaraki Tomura?” Kurogiri asked. “To find that Raisin, He's taking too long” “I'm sure he'll be back soon just wait a bit longer” “It's been ONE HOUR!” Tomura shouted before walking over to the door.

He was about to grab the doorknob but suddenly the door opened to find none other than Dabi with a bag in his hand. Tomura backed up from the sudden surprise but Dabi only got closer. He leaned over to Tomura's ear and whispered.

“Missed me babe?~"

To which he got pushed away. He chuckled and stepped over to Kurogiri and put the bag on the table. Kurogiri put the shotglass down and looked inside the bag and shook his head looking up at Dabi. Tomura got curious and walked over to them.
“What's going on?” Shigaraki said as he raised a brow under his father hand. Kurogiri scoffed “Well Dabi over here brought a bag FULL of fries”.

Toga and Twice jumped up and rushed over to the bag. “FRIES!?” They both yelled out pushing Dabi and Shigaraki out of the way. Tomura hit one of the stools and hissed a bit before simply sitting down on it. Dabi noticed what happened to Tomura and growled a bit.

“Guys you should be more CAREFUL. You hurt our leader” he shouted a bit. Both of the blondes turned to him with a confused look. “You would've done the same though” Toga said while eating a fry. “No I wouldn't have because I actually respect him, even though I don't make it seem like I do”

Spinner laughed and caused almost everyone to look at him. “You?! Actually respecting someone other than Stain? Wow that's surprising” “Spinner be quiet atleast I'm not obsessed with him like you” “Ugh just pass me some fries” “Alright”. Dabi grabbed some of the fries and put them on a paper plate then walked over to Spinner just to drop them on him.

He laughed along with Toga, Twice, and Magne. Spinner looked dead into Dabi's eyes before sighing and eating a fry off of his own head. Dabi calmed down and looked over at Tomura to see his reaction. To his surprise he was actually laughing too, Dabi never saw Tomura without his hand but when he was laughing he could see his goofy but amazing smile. Dabi couldn't help but try to imagine him without his father hand on his face and his full smile. Soon he started having other thoughts in his mind and had to have Toga snap him back to reality.

It wasn't the normal snap in the face or name calling but a far away kind of attention grabber. Toga was hugging Shigaraki's arm while trying to feed him fries from under the hand on his face. That made Dabi pissed. He was jealous about the small amount of contact they had and how Tomura wasn't really pushing her away. He has had his own chance to touch Tomura in simple ways such as a pat on the head, a bump in, or resting his head on his but he's always been pushed away. He's always thought about having Tomura in a bed and touching him in other ways too such as stroke his cock, kiss his chap and crusty lips, leave hickeys all around his body, or something along those lines. He kept all of that to himself though, nobody knew about his overall thoughts about Tomura since he always hid the fact that he is crazy in love with the short male by treating him with almost no respect.

Dabi was burning with frustration after Toga laid her head on Handymans shoulder. He walked over and put his head on his shoulder. “Hey Scarface, I have something for you, mind following me?”. Tomura looked over at him with an agitated expression. “Ugh is it a bucket of water on your door because you've already done that once and I won't fall for it again” “Oh no it's not that, I bet it'll be something you'll never out down” “If you bought a dildo for this I'm gonna disintegrate you” “Oh my god Tomura it's not a fucking dildo! Why the fuck would I even have that?” “I don't fucking know, so you could throw it at me and call me gay” “I'm not like that, now come on!”. Tomura rolled his eyes and finally agreed “Fine”

He stood up and left Toga alone to a follow Dabi to his room. It was right next to his own so if it was a hurtful prank like some of the ones he pulled in the past he could run and cry into his pillow. He was expecting something like a spider or snake but it wasn't. His bright crimson eyes lit up brighter than the sun when he saw what was on Dabi's bed. It was a nintendo 3ds along with a few games like Mario Kart, New Super Mario Brothers 2, Pokemon (The version isn't important), and Super smash bros.

The reason he was so happy was because Dabi made him disintegrate his old one which made him extremely anger and sad. He looked at Dabi in shock. He seriously couldn't believe it. Soon he grabbed it and moved it around then turned it on still next to Dabi. “But how!? We don't have the money to afford this and we don't have the skills to steal something from a big and protective place!” Dabi smirked, “I made my way around!” “Thank you so muc- um- Thanks I guess” “It's really no problem, so what game are you gonna play first?” “Super mario bros, duh”

Tomura sat down on his bed and started playing. Dabi didn't mind and was just happy he got him away from Toga. He left the room and went on to Kurogiri who was still disappointed. “I said get supplies” “Thought you said fries” Dabi responded while sitting down on the stool. Kurogiri sighed and poured a bit of alcohol in a shotglass. “No I'm kidding, they wouldn't give me the supplies so I just decided "fuck that" and left”.

Kurogiri nodded and gave the glass to Dabi. He drank the small amount of alcohol and looked around. “Where is Toga?” “She's probably in a room with Twice and Magne” “Alright, Thanks”. He stood up and started to walked over to Magne's room and opened the door only to find Magne and Twice watching a romance movie. He peeped his head in a bit and raised a brow. “Is Toga not in here?” “Nope she went to go talk with Tomura, she won't do anything bad She's gonna stab him!” Dabi's eyes widened and left immediately to go check on Tomura.

When he opened the door he saw Toga on top of a sleeping Tomura with a knife and a small straw. Dabi quickly rushed over and roughly grabbed her wrist and quickly dragged her off the bed. “What are you doing?!-” He said while dropping Toga onto the ground. “Getting a taste of his beautiful and amazingly red blood!~” “But on my bed!? And even if he wasn't on my bed I wouldn't let you hurt him in any way!” “whyyyy” “Because he's mine” “no he isn't!” “Yes he is, I don't want you anywhere near him with that knife of yours, and don't touch him”.

He moved next to Tomura and rubbed his arm. Toga just stood there with a pretty stale expression. Dabi sighed and looked over to her.

“Or you won't like what happens next”

Bloody Love (Yandere Dabi x Shigaraki)Where stories live. Discover now