A date..

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"Hanamaru," The sweet gentle voice called out. Immediately, it had the brown haired girl's attention. She turned her head towards the familiar gentle voice she had grown to love. The voice belonged to a female with red hair and pigtails. Beautiful aqua blue eyes that seemed to brighten the whole room.
"W-Would.." The girl started to stutter and under all the attention, she started to crack. Her legs shifted on the wood floor and she looked askance. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. A small pink blush dusted her cheeks which caused Hanamaru's heart to melt.
"Would you like to go to the arcade with me tomorrow?" It came out quick and it took a second for the other female to understand. Brown eyes lit up right when the words formed together in her brain.
"Of course, Ruby!" She wondered if she should question why the other was so nervous. Would it seem too rude? The two blushing girls went off on their own ways after that.
Both were at home daydreaming about the next day. Hanamaru loved being around Ruby no matter the situation. Sometimes, she'd feel butterflies around the other girl though. It was a feeling she couldn't quite explain. Something pulled her towards the red-haired girl.
"It's because we're such good friends," Hanamaru commented to herself out loud. This was definitely just a feeling between too friends. She was extremely dense but maybe she'd understand eventually.

Ruby had been working on school work but found herself not quite in focus. Her brain was clogged with images of her best friend. Hanamaru was beautiful and cute to her. There was nothing Hanamaru couldn't do right. She was perfect as far as Ruby was concerned. Being around such a goddess gave Ruby happiness for the whole rest of the day. Even if they were just reading books at the library, it was a good time. Without talking they could mostly understand each other too.
The pencil that was originally in Ruby's hand flopped down onto the notebook she was working on. Just the thought of Hanamaru started to make the girl blush.
"I.. should have told her I wanted it to be a date," The girl whispered to herself. Her hands covered her face. Maybe she was scared Dia would walk in and see her. Realizing she couldn't work like this, she flopped onto the ground instead. Her back gently hit the ground and she stared at the ceiling. Feelings were complicated and she could never really get them right. When she understood them, her shyness would get in the way. She clasped her hands together as her thoughts went on and on. Hanamaru was a great friend even if she didn't feel the same, she wouldn't leave their friendship, right? Well, at least Ruby hoped that wouldn't be the case.
It was fully decided. At the arcade tomorrow, Ruby would confess her feelings.. hopefully.

The night went by so quickly. Soon enough, the loud alarm went off and woke Ruby from her slumber. She quickly slammed her hand on the alarm mostly hoping not to annoy Dia. When she got up, she tip toed to her closet. A perfect outfit is what she needed. Her hands ran over every outfit as she merely glanced at them. Part of her knew exactly what she wanted but the other part wasn't so sure. After a few more seconds of looking, a gasp left her mouth. She pulled out a simple pink dress with a small ribbon across the middle. Not too fancy and not too casual.
Rushing into the bathroom, she quickly put on her dress. In the mirror, she looked elegant. The dress went down to her knees and was pretty flat. Nothing frilly and big. For once, she kept her hair fully down. No pigtails, buns, or ponytails. Deciding this was perfect, she walked out of her room and strolled to the kitchen.

Hanamaru was woken up by her grandma. Today was another normal day except full of Ruby. The thought put a small smile on the delicate girl's face. She got up without wasting another second and got some clothes. There was a yellow shirt with frilly sleeves and jean shorts. It seemed like the perfect combination for her. Carefully, she put the shirt on and pulled it down. She pulled on the shorts and twirled in the mirror. It wasn't usual for her to care so much about her appearance. Gently, her hand ran through her hair. It displaced strand of her hair and she bit her lip. Was it really right to wear her hair normally? Should she spice it up a bit? She made sure to thoroughly brush through her hair. She gathered it all up and put it in a hair tie. It was time for a classic ponytail. Due to having a lot of hair, it was a pretty long one. When she saw herself, she gasped.
"It looks.. amazing! It really is the future zura!" She spoke to herself in happiness. She looked at herself for a few seconds before the joy diminished and she realized something.
"I could really use some bread."

Both of the girls ate breakfast with their family. The time to meet up was slowly approaching. They agreed to meet at the arcade at 1:00 pm and the time was currently 12:30 pm. Not wanting to be late, Hanamaru was already rushing herself there. It's always better to be early zura. She use to tell the other Aqours members that so she must listen to herself.

Hanamaru got to the arcade at 12:55 pm. There was no sign of the timid girl unless she was hiding. Whipping her head around, she looked for a sign of the other girl. Nothing. She wasn't behind any near by trees. Not sitting on any benches either. Did she just decided not to come? A frown appeared on her face when it hit 1:05. Sure, it wasn't too far after the time but it still concerned the brown haired teenager.

"Hanamaru!" A cry came from down the sidewalk. The girl was red hair was running towards the other, her face seemed pained. Guilty consumed her and twisted her insides.
Without a second thought, Hanamaru ran towards the girl with her arms open. They met each other half way and crumbled in each other's arms.

"Ruby, I'm so glad you came. I was worried."

"Dia needed help. I didn't mean to be late. But that's no excuse. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Hanamaru immediately said. She wanted to reassure the other.

Ruby hesitated before she gently pecked Hanamaru's cheek.
"Which game should we play first?"

Hanamaru's face turned pink from the kiss but she still didn't seem to understand.
"Maybe a claw machine?" Hanamaru suggested.
With that they walked into the arcade together hoping to have a perfect date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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