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"Didn't you say he SURVIVED?"
The scientist flinched and fiddled with his clipboard. "I- uh... He did, but..."
"But what?!" Castor pointed at the body of the young boy, a very small boy. "Does that look ALIVE to you?" The scientist, a middle-aged man with greasy brown hair, pushed his big glasses higher up his nose with trembling fingers. "He did survive, but the wings... It was like they were eating him from the inside. Within a few seconds, the wings were as big as a car, but the boy; he was getting thinner and smaller. In a matter of seconds, he was dead and looked like a two year old. I think the wings were using him to grow and draining away his life force."

Castor sighed and pitched the bridge of his nose. "Get back to work. We need at least one successful transformed test subject before the bats notice us." The scientist nodded hastly and hurried back inside the small fabric they had rented. He hated to work for the Joker's son, but he knew of his and his father's reputation and you don't say 'no' to a mad man with guns- or to anyone with guns in that matter.

"Don't worry, we will succeed." Castor turned as he heard his master's voice. "Of course. You've never failed before and you won't now." He couldn't see the older man's face under the mask that covered his face, but he was sure he was wearing an almost arrogant smile. "Of course. Why are you back here? Did you get your father's money?" Castor nodded and a smirk crept across his face. "Oh, I did, but that is not all." The superior man raised an eyebrow- well, Castor suspected he did. "I figured out the Batfam's identities."

The older man rolled his eyes in disgust at the stupid name- seriously, who calls them batfam- but remained calm. He couldn't let his former apprentice know how he really felt about him- that excuse of an assassin. Castor was too much like his father, his thoughts jumped from one topic to the next and he couldn't stay still for longer than forty minutes. His fighting skills were a joke (No pun intended) and his voice was way too high. It was annoying the crap out of the master. "Then tell me their names, Castor." He kept his voice neutral, not betraying any of his pejorative thoughts. He really wished he could punch that grin off his face.

"Batman is Bruce Wayne, Batgirl is Barbara Gordon, Red Robin is Tim Drake, Red Hood is Jason Todd and Robin is-"

"Richard Grayson," finished the older man. He was smirking by now. Of course Robin would be an acrobat, it made was obvious. And that the boy was an orphan- face the facts, Batman couldn't be a father-of-the-year example, was just helping his plans.

"I still don't get what you have against Robin, though." Castor pulled him out of his thoughts and the master surpressed the urge to cut him in half with his sword. 
"That's none of your concern." The boy frowned. "Maybe, but I have a personal interest in Richard Grayson. I don't care about Robin, but I want Dick."

"Of course."

"When should we attack? I could go right now-"

"No. The best way to hurt him is by hurting his family. I already have a plan. Just find out what the other bats fear and I'll make sure they'll get their personal hell." A devilish smirk spread across his lips. "And when we are finished with them, you can get the boy."

Castor laughed, a really ridiculous high-pitched bad guy laugh, which made the assassin wonder once more why he put up with him. "I knew I could count on you."

The master's smirk widened. The boy was so easy to manipulate, no naive. He needed him to get to Robin- and to get to Robin, he had to get to his family- but after they were in his clutches, he'd get rid of Joker's son and Robin would be his once more.
The end!! Phew, this was interesting. So, what do you think of the end? Who is this master, (he is a DC character) and what exactly are him and Castor working on? And what did he mean with "and Robin would be his once more?"

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