27: I Don't Dance

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This is gonna be cheesy

  "Oh come on, (Y/N)," My buddy Steve Roger's urged me to get up and dance.

  "It's fine, go dance with Peggy," I smiled, crossing my ankles as I sat by the dance floor.

  "Yes, please, go dance with Peggy," Peggy agreed, taking Steve's hand. They were really perfect for each other, they heigh difference, the perfect faces, and good personalities. I couldn't see a future where they weren't together.

  Steve gave me one last glance, asking me to have fun for once before he was swept into the dancing crowd.

  I couldn't help but tap a finger resting in my lap to the jazzy music playing through a room of soldiers and their dates. Being a war-time nurse, or anything related, to the war was stressful, so nights like these were welcomed with open arms. There were precious few nights like this during the 1940s. It was nice to forget about death for a couple of hours and dance and laugh and smile. Granted, I didn't dance.

  Someone cleared their throat and brought me out of my head. I looked up and saw Peter smiling down at me. He was a sweet young guy, 25, only one year older than me. He had a gentle smile and soft curly brown hair.

  "And why aren't you dancing?" He teased, knowing full well that I didn't dance.

  I rolled my eyes, fidgeting with my light purple skirt. "Are you in cahoots with Steve. You both are bent on getting me to dance."

  "Maybe we're both tired of seeing you sit here through every dance looking sad. It would be nice to see you smile once or twice," Peter said out, sitting down beside me.

  "I'll have you know that I am not sad, I'm just watching," I objected.

  "It's called a dance, not a watch," He pointed out.

  I sighed.

  "Come on, just one dance with me? I promise I won't step on your feet," He begged.

  "I couldn't promise the same to you. No one ever taught me how to dance," I admitted.

  "Then I'll teach you," Peter hopped up and held out his hand.

  I stared at before I reluctantly took it and let him pull me out of my chair. The grin on his face immediately made it worth it.

  "Okay, put your hand here and hold mine with the other-" he placed my hand on his shoulder, "And then I put mine on your waist. Perfect! Now follow my lead, I'll keep it really simple," he reassured me.

  After a couple of minutes of him slowly teaching me I finally got into a groove. I loved the feeling of my dress swishing around my knees and my heels clicking on the floor. Peter could tell that I was more comfortable so he twirled me. I couldn't help the little giggle that slipped out of my mouth.

  "Who doesn't like dancing now?" Peter teased with a little wink.

  "Oh shut up," I said with a grin still on my face.

  "So Peter was the key to get you to dance?" Peggy asked as Steve twirled her by us.

  I shrugged, a twinkle in my eye. Peggy gave me a knowing smile.


  I spent the rest of the night dancing with Peter. He taught me all sorts of dances and told all sorts of jokes through it all. I couldn't remember the last time I smiled that much.

  The night had slowed down and people were starting to leave. Peter paused.

  "Let's go outside," he suggested.

  I gave him a doubtful look.

  "What? I'm not going to kill you, I'm a U.S. soldier."

  "Fine," I agreed.

  He took my hand and led me through the lessening crowd and out the door. The cold air outside raised goosebumps on my exposed arms and cause me to shiver.

  "Here," Peter slipped off his coat and draped it over my shoulders.

  "Thanks," I gave him a grateful smile and pulled the jacket tighter around me. We stood there quietly and stared up at the beautiful stars above us. They looked magical.

  "Beautiful," Peter breathed.

  "I know! The stars are crazy beautiful," I agreed, looking at Peter. He happened to be staring at me and not the stars.

  "You weren't talking about the stars, were you?" I asked quietly.

  He shook his head. I ducked my head and blushed. I couldn't lie and say that I hadn't felt the tension between us during the night, but I wanted to ignore it then.

  "I really like seeing you smile tonight," He said quietly, lacing our fingers together slowly. He was so gentle with me.

  "Thanks for making me smile," I replied.

  He paused. "I know this isn't very gentlemanly of me, but can I kiss you?"

  I smiled and nodded.

  Peter lifted his free hand up and cupped my cheek, studying my face like he was waiting for me. So I used out interlocked hands and pulled his body flush to mine. He grinned, then leaned down and let his lips brush mine. I shivered, missing his touch the second it was gone. I stood on my tiptoes and fitted out lips back together.

  He smiled against my lips before we parted again.

  "Thanks for teaching me to dance, Peter," I whispered.

  "You're welcome," He whispered back, his voice almost getting carried away with the wind.

  "Can you take me home?" I offered.

  "I would love to," he agreed, wrapping a careful arm around my shoulder.


  He took me home and forgot his jacket. I brought it back to him the next day and took a few kisses as payment.


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