Chapter 1

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Claire's POV

Vegas airport was tough. People pushing you, bumping you and cussing you. All I wanted to do was get to the taxi and go to my new home. After thirty minutes of pushing and shoving, I made it to my taxi and gave him my address. The drive through Vegas was beautiful. The lights were displayed all different colors and the people were having fun. As I pulled up towards my building, I get a phone call. "This is Logan." "Hi, this is Gil, your new supervisor. I know I told you that you could come in tomorrow night, but" "No problem. I'll be there." "Alright, see you in a bit." I end the call and tap the window of the taxi. "CSI building, stat." The driver put the cab in reverse and drove towards the building.

Reaching the building, it was bigger than in the pictures. I get out and tip him a fifty. He smiled and took off. Walking in, I noticed that everyone was doing something. I went up to the desk and gave my name. "Um, I am Claire Logan. I am new here" Before I could finish, a guy came walking up to me. "Hey Margret, how's Anthony?" "He's doing good, Greg. By the way, this is Claire Logan. She's new here." The guy, who is Greg, turns and smiles at me. "Well, Nice to meet you, Claire Logan." He hands Margret something and she hands him my papers. "Greg, here, will take you to Grissom." Greg waves at Margret and escorts me to Grissom. "Let me guess, you were born here, you are a fantastic science geek and love watching crime shows. You grew up with dreams of wanting to be a criminal specialist, so you chose CSI." I smile and nod. "And let me guess, you are from here, too, you were always a science geek, you listen to punk rock music, which is my favorite, you love DNA, but you decided to be a CSI as well. How am I doing so far, CSI Sanders?" Greg is dumbfounded and smiling from ear to ear. "You are really good." "Well This is Grissom's office. He's inside waiting for you." "Thank you, Greg." I kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

"Ah, Claire. You finally made it. You ready for your tour?" "Sure am." "Okay. Come with me." I follow Grissom to the DNA lab and see my escort from earlier. "Hey, Grissom. I got your results from blood samples and other tests. Nice to see you again, Claire." "Likewise." Grissom looks at us and takes the papers from Greg. "Well. I have a case to finish, so Greg will show you around and once he's done, he will drop you off in the garage." "Alright." "Good luck, Claire." I smile and watch him leave us. "Well, this, of course, is the DNA lab. I work in here from time to time." I nod and smile. I follow him out of the lab. "There is Hodges lab, he analyzes fabric and also DNA; This is Archie's domain, he analyzes sounds from phones or creepy voice tech to computers and pictures; This is the break room, Henry does mostly everything except field work, this is the morgue and my favorite place, the garage. Which is where I must abide you ado." Greg starts to walk off and I stop him. "There's one place you haven't showed me." Greg smiles. "This is the rooftop." I walk up to the rooftop and stare out at Vegas. "Why do I have the feeling you are going to tell me something cheesy?" "Cause I am. Did you know that a rooftop can be good and bad? Most people choose rooftops to commit suicide, but others use it to relieve stress or think." Greg smiles and moves closer to me. "You like rooftops, don't you?" "It says a lot about a place. I already like it here." Greg smiles and checks his watch. "Alright, tour is currently over and Grissom is waiting for you at the garage." I turn and follow him. We get back inside and Greg brings me back to the garage. "Now, I can bid you ado." I smile at him and push a piece of my hair behind my ear. He stares and smiles, but turns and leaves.

It's been a few weeks since I showed up, Grissom wanted to test me at a crime scene. Greg was there taking photos. "Alright Claire. What's your call?" I analyze the body in front of me, then look around the room at the scene and I close my eyes. Once I find my center, I open my eyes and answer Grissom. "The male was sitting on the couch, he probably heard a knock on the door and got up to answer. With the way the door is open, confirms it. I assume there's a robbery that turned a different way. Notice the boxes are all opened and dumped on the floor." Grissom and Greg look at what I pointed out. Then, Greg answers. "Proves that someone was looking for something." Grissom looks from Greg and back to me. "Okay." I smile knowing that my test is almost done. "When the person couldn't find what they wanted they got furious and shot the male three times. One shot to stomach, one to the neck and the other to the wall over there." Grissom looks at David and Greg smiling, knowing that I am doing more than good. "What's you C.O.D?" "I would say that the second gun shot wound to the neck was the do over." Grissom looks over at David. "She's a stunner." Grissom looked over at me and smiled. "Good job. You and Greg gather the bags of evidence outside, then head to the office." Greg grabbed some bags and helped me load up the truck. "You did really amazing in there." I look over at Greg and see that he hands me the bags. "Thanks, Sanders." He laughs and steps closer to me. "You doing anything tonight?" I laugh and smile. "Other than work, no not really. Why?" "I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me, later?" She smiles at Greg and gets in the truck. "You might be lucky, Greggo."

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