when two sides meet

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Callums POV
The sun shining thorough the gaps in the towering mass of trees, my paws pacing the thick,leafy floor below me. I had come out here to gather my thoughts as this week has been hectic. With my crowning approaching quickly, I have needed to find a sutible mate, and everyone I have turned down, as I really don't fancy girls at all,because, about a month ago, I met the sweetest animal on the planet. No it wasn't a fox like me, nor a girl. It was a panda, by the name of Oli.he is the Prince of the panda kingdom, and will also be crowned soon. Aww, I miss him and his sweet smile

*flashback to one year ago *
I was strolling through the nearby woods on a lovely summer's day, the breeze flowing softly through my tangerine orange fur, when I spotted what looked like a rock in the distance. So I decided to go over to it, y'know, to sit down and relax for a bit.getting closer to the supposed rock, I saw that it was moving, how strange. As I investigated a bit by sniffing around it for a while, it jumped up and knocked me over.

"AH!"I screamed

"oh sorry didn't mean to scare you."the creature quietly said

"Wait, you're a panda, not a rock?"I asked confused

"yep, I just curled up in a ball" the panda admitted

"why?"I questioned

"Long story"it said

I could tell instantly that this was  no savage beast, but a kind animal with peace radiating out of him

"anyway, I'm Callum"i spoke after a short silence

"oh I'm Oli, the panda Prince"he announced

"and I'm the fox prince"i replied with

"so wanna hang out sometime?"I suggested

"well, we already are aren't we?" He smiled cheekily

Man his cheeky smile, I love it
"Good point" l replied quickly

"Anyway, got a kingdom to attend to see ya around the woods"oli smiled as he ran off

"Ye, see ya!"i shouted after him

"Man, he's dreamy"i thought as I treked back home

*flashback ends*

*Flashback 2, one day later*

Oli told me to meet him where we met yesterday and I am here. Behind me I hear a rustling in the bush and suddenly something jumps on me.
"Aahhh!!"I shout

"Why are you always scaring me Oli?!"I laugh

"Dunno"oli shrugs

"Anyway,"He starts and climbs off of me

"What?"I ask

"I want to know something's says, his white fur blowing in the wind

"What's that?"I ask, confused

"Well, would you be willing to date me Callum fox?"He asks

"Of course! I would love to!"i excitedly say

"Oh, I get it, it's too early  wait what, you said yes!"He asks hurriedly

"Yes, yes Oli, yes!"I shout

"Ever since I met you, I've known that I love you. Your so sweet, compassionate and kind. I've been looking for a mate. Will you be that mate?"I ask him estatic

"Of course Callum, I've been looking for a mate to and I don't have any interest in he females at all. I love you!"He announces

I jump on top of him and hug him, but it slowly turns into a very passionate kiss

My eyes lit up and It felt like heaven, I never wanted it to end but sadly, it did because obviously, we need air. It. Was. Magical. The best thing I have ever experienced in my life

We went in again but rougher.

Suddenly, we heard a shout of my name, only no, my parents. I told them I would be back quickly but it's been ages. Ohh I'm in some big trouble when I get home.

I walked away from Oli with regret, I didn't want to leave him but if I didn't, I would be dead. As I solmely walk back to the palace, I think about Oli, for ages I couldn't stop thinking about him.
*flashback over*
I haven't seen Oli for a year, I miss him so much, I remember everything about him, his luscious, soft fur, his soft lips, his mud brown eyes, everything!
That day caused the war between the foxes and the pandas and we are still at war.
Wait a minute, this is where me and Oli first met, and is hat a white and black rock?it can't be, Oli?
"Oli, is that you?"I call out

"Yeah, wait, is this, no it can't be, Callum?"He replies

"In the flesh!" I run and kiss him

"Oh my god! It's been a year, I've missed you so much!"He says through sobs of joy

By this point, were both sobbing in joy

"I missed you" we both say at the same time

For the rest of the evening, we chat about anything and anything
Considering our kind are still at war, I'm surprised that we are actually together

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