( oli version) when two sides meet

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Olis POV

With the wind rushing through my black and white fur, twigs crackling underneath my paws, I was taking a stroll in the webb woods to the place where me and the person I love met foe the first time. Anytime I could, I would come here ever since we had to stop seeing each others year ago today. His name was Callum, yes I know i said his bit that is because he is a boy.i loved him with all of my heart. He was my everything. Sadly, I haven't seen him since a year ago, and doubt I'm ever gonna see him again.ugh, I think of the first time I met him to this day.
*flash back*
As I was running far away from my kingdom, thinking that my phycopathic sister was following me. Stumbling over the many roots and fallen trees ahead of me, I fell and badly cut my arm.
Coming to a clearing, I rolled up in a ball, as I always do in these stressful situations, thinking about what lead me out here

*flash back within flash back(I know crazy right)*
I was being chased by my sister, she was wielding a blood covered knife. Truth is, she had killed my brother, while my mother and father were out of town, and wanted to kill me so she would definitely be ruler of the panda kingdom. I ran and ran towards the edge of webb woods, weaving around the many closed  market stalls in the town square. As I reached the edge of the woods, I realised that my sister, who is called Susanna,had been caught by the panda patrol, our kingdoms police officers. Still terrified, I ran deeper into the woods, my legs screaming at me to stop

*flash back within flash back over*
As I remembered that moment, a single tear ran down my face. Suddenly, I felt, warm breaths all around me and the sound of sniffing. I instantly jump up and the animal that was sniffing shouts.

"AH!"the creature shouts

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you'll say to the creature

It had tangerine orange fur and a couple of brown markings around it's eyes.

"Wait, you're a panda, not a rock?"It asked

I figured that it was a fox because of its appearance

"Yep, just curled up in a ball"i admitted

"Why?" The fox asked

"Long story"i replied sheepishly as I didn't want to say about what happened with my sister

I could tell instantly that this fox meant no harm otherwise he would have already attacked me

"Anyway" he said, breaking the silence"im Callum fox"

"Oh I'm Oli  the panda prince"i announced

"I'm the Prince of the foxes" he replies

"Well, want to hang out sometime?"He asks

"we already are" I smile cheekily

"Good point"he states

"Any way, got a kingdom to attend to" I announced

"Okie then, same here's replied

"See ya" i called after him

"Yeah see ya" He shouted back

The truth is, I didn't move from that spot til the next day, when I knew my parents were back.

For the rest of the night, I I thought about Callum and how sweet he is, and eventually criedmyself to sleep.

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