1 [it cast]

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going to the movies with the losers would include;

-sharing a drink with beverly

-you and eddie being scared as FUCK

-richie hogging all the popcorn

-stanley making sure he's in the middle ALWAYS

-if he isn't in the middle this kid will flip out

-you and eddie hold each other because your scared

-bill laughing and calling you "w-wimps"

-ben always pointing out iconic lines from the book before it was a movie

-richie telling him to shut the fuck up

-stanley laughing at the shitty CGI

-bill cuddling up to stan

-i love boyfriends

-mike crying when they hurt an animal

-"mike its fake, the cat is fine."

-"nO its nOt y/n!"

-eddie sharing a pack of sour patch with you

-you best believe he checked the ingredients first

-beverly cuddling up to ben when she's scared

-richie feels like a third wheel so he puts his arms around you, eddie and mike


-after the movie you guys go get ice cream and make fun of the bad acting


first one! <3

feel free to send in requests/ideas!

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