chapi dos

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"alright class today you are going to be taking your midterms who ever disrupts this test WILL face consequences GOT IT" every one in class nodded their head fear coursing through them. when we got our test we all heard a ringtone that was coming from a kids phone, IT WAS MINE! the teacher stomped over to me and then........ i felt something cold in my pants- huh

"WHAT THE HELL LIX!" i screamed trying to get the ice cube he shoved down my pants out. "hehe i got you good hyung" he said with his satanic smile.

after i fumbled around trying to get the ice cube out of my pants i picked it up and started rubbing it all over his face. "hope you like ass ice!" i yelled but being the bigger brother sucked because he then screamed "MAMAAAAA jisung is hurting me" and bursted out in fake tears.

before i could tell him to shut the hell up and give him money to stay quiet our mom came bursting in with a broom ready to beat me.

"JISUNG GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" she yelled. this is gonna be a long day.

she looked at me and said "you mind telling me why your brother is crying."

"look mom i didnt do anything he is obviously lying-" i tried to explain but was cut short when i said he was lying.

"DID YOU JUST CALL MY BABY A LIAR SHAME ON YOU!" she said running to hug felix on the other side of the room.

i rolled my eyes, used to the treatment. it's ironic, you'd think since im her actual child she would favor me but nope. felix who was adopted when i was six now seventeen gets the attention and the worst part of it is he's 16 BUT ACTS LIKE A BRAT!

i left my room to go eat breakfast before i got ready for school. i looked in the fridge and of course we had little to no food since nowadays it was pretty hard to make ends meet since me and felix are both older now and so is mom, so we mostly eat cheap takeout which still adds up to a lot.

i close the fridge and decide i will just skip breakfast today and besides i steal my friends food anyways so no biggie.

my mom walks into the kitchen and says "im sorry hannie it was foolish of me to say felix would never lie and then basically imply you were, its just hard not to favorite lix when he has been through so much." she explained starting to tear up a little.

"i get it mom and i forgive you just dont be a little bitch about it, okay you're a tough cookie." i said laughing nudging her shoulder.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME BOY!" she shouted raising her fist. there she is, not only the strongest person i know but the strongest mom.

i ran back to my room laughing whilst telling her i would be late to school so she would spare my life.

"you stupid boy." she sighed.


"dumbass why are you still in my room?" i asked annoyed looking at the clown standing in front of me.

he jumped on my bed smiling like the little goblin he is, before i could yell 'you didnt answer the question' he put his hands together in a praying type of way and seemed to pray for about 3 seconds then looked at me.

"what the fuck was that?!" i yelled confused.

"hey language!" he reprimanded me "anyways i was praying that maybe you would actually pass these midterms cause its gonna take a miracle."

i should have known the little brat was just trying to get on my nerves.

"aish this kid DO YOU WANNA DIE!FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAVE BEEN RAISING MY GRADES! THE ONLY DUMB ONE IS YOU MY BRAINCELLS ARE DOING JUST FINE!" i rambled on while putting him in a choke hold. the brat just laughed

when i heard my moms footsteps coming near i let go of the kid and decided to just pack my backpack.

a little later he ran up and back hugged me. "what the hell you little twirp get your crusty-" i said struggling to get his spider monkey lookin ass off of me.

"i love you hyung have a good day." he said then kissed my back making sure the kiss had a big mwah sound, and ran away to his room.

that bipolar little pig.


once i get out of the house i hop on my bike and go to the prison called school that i only go to because my friends are there.

im wearing, guess the fuck what, my uniform. How exciting, right! i know im jumping up and down as well.

in case your wondering what it looks like cause its so interesting it is a pair of black long pants, a white buttoned up longsleave shirt, and a white and blue tie, to represent our school colors.

after my relaxing ride to school listening to some underground khiphop and krnb i chained my bike to the fence on the side of the high school.

i walked in going to my locker trying to find my friends seungmin and woojin, but after no luck of finding them i started getting the books out of my locker but was soon interrupted by "BOO!" i heard seungmin yell putting his hands on my shoulders resulting in me yelling 'AISH' then turning around lifting my hand getting ready to hit him.

until woojin grabbed my wrist and said "alright that's enough you agressive squirl."

"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I LOOK NOTHING LIKE A SQUIRL!" i yelled way too loud which resulted in everyone in the halls staring at me like im crazy.

"pft not only do you look like one but you're about as intimidating as a squirl." seungmin said slyly chuckling.

"YAH THIS SQUIRL COULD KILL YOU!" i shouted back looking him up and down puffing out my chest.

"oh really" seungmin said in a cocky voice.


"so you're telling me you have rabies then." he said smirking knowing he was getting on my last nerve.

"YOU LITTLE-" i started but was held back by woojin "YAH the both of you are giving me a headache so shut up and get to first period!"

we both looked down and said 'okay'
"good we are going to be late." woojin stated dragging us by our ears down the hall.

"ow hyung that hurts!" we both shouted.

"not my fault you wild animals love picking fights." woojin stated calmly.

"HE STARTED IT!" we both whined.


idk what to say um i hope you enjoyed 💕

idk what to say um i hope you enjoyed 💕

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