I need some help with this sin *EDIT*

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So I love the Evillious Chronicles and I love Hetalia. So I came up with a sinful idea to create an au where the Hetalia characters are the EC characters! However, I still need help to give each character a counterpart. I accept nyo,1p, and 2p versions of the Hetalia characters. Here are the characters so far:

7 deadly sins

*Venomania- 1p and 2p France

         Maylis Beelzenia- ?????(lets fill her in last)

          Lukana Octo - ?????( a Japan/Asian character)

          Mikulia Greenio - ????? (anyone)

          Mikulia Calgaround - a fusion character

          Gumina Glassred- ?????(love interest to France)

*Conchita- ??? torn between nyo 1p America or nyo 2p italy

           Arte and Pollo - Hansel and Gretel

           Carlos Marlon - ????

*Rilliane- ??????????

            Allen - ????

            Clarith - ?????? (maybe a Prussia idk)

            Michelle - Eve

            Kyle Marlon - ????

            Germaine - ??????

            Ney - related to Gretel's character

            Arth - ?????? (related to Rilliane. thinking of the older/ dead countries)

            Anne - ????? (related to Rilliane. thinking of the older/ dead countries - minor role)

           Leonhart - Germania

           Miriam - ????? (same as Arth but not related to Rilliane)

*Margarita-whoever Eve's character is

*Kayo- nyo1p China/nyo 2p japan mix

*Gallerian- Netherlands

*Nemesis- ???

Original sin series

Ly Li- Vietnam

Milky Eights-Taiwan

Kiril Clockworker- 1p Russia

Irina Clockworker- 1p Belarus

Elluka - 1p Nyo! China



Meta Salmhofer- Ukraine

Seth Twiright- a Russia

Eve Zvezda- ???

Adam Moonlit-England

Maria Moonlit- a fusion

I know there are WAY more characters to match up but this is a starting point...for now. Any suggestions??

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