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"Your majesty, it is truly an honour" the woman slithers forward and curtseys low in front of him, lowering her eyes to the floor in submission.

"You are a wonder to behold my dear, please, do sit. How was your journey?"

She adjusts her dress and moves to sit in the chair opposite him, pleased that she's receiving such a warm reception.

The journey back to England from Spain had been a trying one, but one that she was glad to make.

This was her chance.

The chance to take back what was rightfully hers and have the revenge she so desperately
wanted, against the only woman who had ever bested her. She was raised to win and by god she would.

She'd fully expected to be summoned to the English king's court after the humiliating
episode with Maxwell; in fact she knew that it was only a matter of time.

The King would want to make amends after her appalling treatment and would likely promise almost anything she wanted.
He needed her, or rather he needed her father's money and allegiance and she was his way in.

The power she wielded felt good and her resolve to end the English Whore only hardened.

Looking around the sumptuously large room she could see numerous servants moving
silently within the shadows. Present, but unseen, as requested by his majesty.

"I journeyed well your majesty, thank you."

"Good...Good." He paused, clearly unsure of how to proceed with her and she stifled a smirk that tried to appear on her face. "You must be famished my dear Lady Alice, won't you have
something to eat?"

He didn't give her the chance to respond as he gestured to no one in particular with a flurry of
the hand.

Several servants came scurrying forward carrying large trays of cooked meat, bread and jugs of what she assumed was wine from the smell.

She took a handful of the meat and examined it on her plate in mild disgust.

"It's partridge my dear, one of my favourites. Such an exquisite taste don't you think?"

"It is rather delicious" she said as she took a delicate bite of the juicy meat.
Plotting revenge was no reason to forget her Spanish etiquette and class.

Still, she was impatient and wanted to get to the point of her visit, the sooner the King sent
for Maxwell the better.
His coming to her would coincide with the hired assassin paying dear little Cassandra a visit. She had it all planned out so perfectly.

The King would call upon Maxwell, who in turn would have no option but to leave the stupid English bitch exposed to mortal danger, and she had damn well paid enough to ensure that the whore would breathe her last breath very soon.

Once that was taken care of it was only a matter of seducing Maxwell and becoming pregnant with his child.
Or anyone's child, it didn't matter.
What mattered was that he thought it was his and would marry her without delay.

She would be able to make him forget any other woman who came before and after her.
Of that she was certain.

Her thoughts dissipated and her attention returned to the room and the King sitting in front of her with his young slip of a bride cowering next to him.
The girl looked terrified beside him and quite unprepared for a royal life.

"Tell me your majesty, what word have you of Sir Maxwell?"

He nearly choked on his mouthful of meat and went wide eyed in shock, but he recovered quickly and reached for his nearby goblet of Wine.
The English were always so indirect and she found it tiresome, why not just get to the point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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