Chapter twenty

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Magnus woke up in Clary's spare room. He insisted to not see his Alexander before their wedding. The sun beaming through the windows, lighting him up. He smelt food coming from Clary's kitchen.

He told himself, and Isabel, that he would call Alec when he got up. So he moved his body and stretched for his phone. He dialed Alec's number and put the phone up to his ear.

"I love you, baby." Alec said.

"I love you, too, daddy." Magnus responded.

After a few moments, Magnus ended the call and put his phone away. He was in nothing but his boxers, painfully hard. He knew he had to do something about it, so he got up and went to the shower.

Magnus stripped quickly and entered the shower, his dick standing straight up. The warm water cascaded down his body, warming him up. He gripped his dick in his hand, and moved his hand up and down.

Little did he know, Clary was looking for him. She entered Magnus' bedroom and noticed he was in the shower. She heard something along the lines of 'Yes, Alec' and drawn out moans.

Back in the shower, Magnus was getting off, fucking into his hand. Short strokes turned into long and fast ones. Doing it a couple of times, he came on his hand. Spurting ropes of cum, feeling better with a limp cock.

He quickly washed his body and exited the shower, putting on some sweats and a t-shirt. Magnus walked into the kitchen and saw Clary feeding his daughter.

"Have fun in there?" Clary asked, amused.

"Y-You, heard?" Magnus asked.

"Of course, Mags. I went to go look for you and then, I heard your moans and calling out for Alec." Clary smiled.

Magnus turned a light pink, he has never been this embarrassed before.

"Don't worry Magnus, we all do it." Clary said.

Magnus walked up to Olivia and picked her up. She squealed in happiness.

"Hey baby girl, daddy misses you." Magnus said.

He looked around and saw a plate filled with pancakes, bacon, and fruits. Along with a glass of orange juice. Magnus placed Olivia back in her baby seat and walked to the counter and got his breakfast.

He went to sit down at the table and eat when Clary came back with her dress and Magnus' suit.

"When you get done eating, get dressed, and no funky business." Clary smirked, walking out of the kitchen.

Magnus laughed and continued eating. Talking to his daughter, she was still a few months old and hasn't said a word. It was nice to talk to his daughter about Alec, even through he wasn't there.

He finished his breakfast and placed the empty, dirty dish in the sink. He grabbed his suit and went to put it on.

Magnus exited the bathroom and saw Clary waiting for him. She had a purple and blue thigh high dress, her hair down, covering her shoulders. He had on a purple glittery suit with black accents.

Isabel told Magnus that the grooms would be matching, same colors, different placements. He was so happy that him and Alec would match.

"Clary, lets go." Magnus said.

"Okay, lets go get you married." Clary beamed.

They both walked out of Clary's house and got in a limbo. Magnus booked the limbo for the day. He did know that Isabel rented a limbo, but only for driving Alec to the wedding. Magnus wanted a private limbo drive around town after they got married.

They did have to look forward to the honeymoon, but the limbo was a pre-honeymoon. Magnus exited the car and walked in with Clary.

Asmodeus and Cat were there, ready to be by his side the whole time. Asmodeus was doing the honors of walking Magnus down the isle. He could have wanted Maryse to do it but, he really wanted his dad up there with him. Cat was a bridesmaid, along with Clary. 

Clary was fixing Magnus' hair, putting it into spikes, like always. Cat was fixing Magnus' make-up, making it look beautiful.

Magnus was starting to get nervous, his palms sweating.

He was ready, to go down that isle and marry the one man he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.

Magnus grabbed his dad's arm and started walking when the music started. He looked up, and saw his fiancé, smiling at him for what he was going to do.

Become his husband.

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