Chapter 1: A Desert? Chocolate?

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Okay, I know that this might be sudden, but could someone slap me? Hell even shoot my face!?

Wait no that'd mean I'd actually die... Shit. I pray that I'm just dreaming while asleep without my underwear. Eh, I can just look at my hands- aaand I'm not dreaming.

As you can clearly tell the complete and utter stress I'm having right now, my mind is going insane at this moment.

For some reason I'm in the fucking desert, yes you heard me, all this sand and no refugees anywhere, at all. The heat's making me sweat like balls right now.

I threw my hands up in frustration. "Jesus I know I haven't prayed for a while but please tell me this can't be happening!"

No response, as expected.

I sighed. "I've never encountered something so fast and life-changing just when I was busy hanging outside by myself..."

Guess I should recount what happened to me recently. Alright, so! I'm going to say this now that I don't have a dead family, they're all alive and well. When I went out to take a walk, after some time passed by, I was gonna head back home but guess who decided to fuck up my day!

Professor Paradox! Dun, dun, duuuuun!

Look, I know it's weird to mention a fictional character being the cause of this. No, I'm not role-playing or making it a joke. I told him that I didn't want to get my ass kicked into another dimension. However, the asshole of a professor did just the opposite.

Even though that professor did something that might risk my life potentially. He did give me some sort of cryptic message before I got sent into the portal. How the hell did Paradox make it work anyway? Considering that he knew I would've probably been sad That gave me relief

Still... This is just too sudden. I... I just don't know how characters from this world would process multiverse travel. Ben, I could understand 'cause he traveled to Rex's parallel universe, aka where Nanites are a big deal.

I need to stop lashing my anger out at the air now, it's not helping my current situation.

It's just. I'm scared. I'm scared that I might not come back home because I'm somewhere far away. Professor Paradox believes in me like he's placing his whole bet on this. I've been placed with heavy responsibility, that I have to succeed in stopping whatever's going to happen here.

With...this. I looked at my left arm, the same gauntlet like wrist-watch Ben used in Ultimate Alien. The device that was supposed to 'surpass' Azmuth's own creation.

The Ultimatrix...

[The Moment I Was Kicked Into A New Dimension]

Ah yes, the beach. Great place to enjoy the ocean, waves crashing, birds chirping. It feels peaceful when there's not a crowd here, it tends to get loud in holidays like Independence Day.

I usually go outside whenever I can, it's only in the mornings though. Night time has that sort of vibe that something bad could happen to me here, and I don't want to risk my safety staying at the beach for much longer.

Sitting on a wooden bench, I was busy scrolling down my phone on twitter favoriting memes that are in my timeline, including wholesome posts usually bringing a smile.

And so, I started reading some fanfictions in the meantime, trying to find some good stories. Actually, earlier I found pretty cool fanfics where this one dude's in the MCU Universe because of ROB Paradox. Then there are some other fics where Ben gets transported to RWBY, Fairy Tail, and etc.

That got me curious, not often is someone from this world take the Omnitrix in a fic. Don't get me wrong, I like fictional characters going through a different universe/dimension. Don't forget about which version are we talking about, like the Original/Alien Force/Ultimate Alien/Omniverse watches. God I hate mentioning the Reboot, really gives me a bitter taste watching it just to see what kind of shit they have in mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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