Chapter 16

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When I went downstairs, Alpha Cain's enthusiasm was almost tangible. He had a large backpack on, and held a large fur pelt in his arms. "We're going on a picnic. I have a place I want to show you." I nodded, and began heading for the door after putting on my black combat boots.

The Alpha coughed awkwardly, and said, "Ares, do you remember what I told you the night you came here?" I turned back to look at him, confused, until realization sank in. He was referring to the rule that Luna's had to be carried by the Alpha when traveling outside of the Pack House. "I'm sorry, mate, I know you don't like it, but its pack tradition. The pack wouldn't respect me as much if I broke this tradition, and if I'm being honest, my wolf wants it this way too."

I seethed inwardly, positive that my hate-fire was hotter than anything coming from Alpha Cain's cursed hands. Not wanting to let my anger show, I gave him a tight smile and walked closer to him. His smile was huge. "Good pup. I really expected more of a fight from you. Looks like you're really giving into the mate bond. I promise one day you will obey me because you want to, not because the bond forces you." He said, cupping my cheek with one hand and looking into my eyes so intensely I was certain that he would set me aflame.

He took his hand off of my cheek and opened the pelt that he had in his arms up wide. To my surprise, he wrapped the fur blanket around me until I was swimming in it, with all of my appendages underneath. Alpha Cain picked me up with one arm around the crook of my neck and the other underneath my knees. The combination of the way he was holding me and the way he swaddled me in the pelt made me feel like an actual baby. I was disgusted.

"Are you comfortable, mate?" Alpha Cain asked, looking more pleased than ever.

No. Yes, I nodded.

"Good, pup. This was the way all Lunas were carried before you, and how all of the Lunas will be held after you. I am honored to be the one carrying you right now." He really needs to wipe that hellish, satisfied look on his face.

I looked at the pelt with a questioning look on my face. "It was made from a bear that I killed on a hunt that I went on after I found you. Once the Blood Alpha finds his mate, he finds a large animal to slay, then makes a pelt from the fur of the beast he killed. It is a symbolic way of showing that I am capable of killing, protecting, and providing for you. Blood Lunas are carried with the pelt wrapped around them like a blanket. However, it has many practical uses as well. The Blood Lake territory is far North, so it is cold here most of the time, and snows often, so the pelt will help keep you warm. If you must be set down outside of the Pack House, then I can leave you on the pelt and it is still within the Blood Lake tradition. You may also like that it conceals most of your body. I know you don't like showing your skin, for whatever reason." He explained. I nodded, absorbing all of the information I had to take in all at once.

His pack had a weird obsession with killing animals for their fur. The Pack House had fur blankets and rugs all over. I will admit that the fur in combination with all of the wooden furniture and décor was very aesthetic and made me feel comfortable for some reason. Plus, its not like I was really judging them for killing animals. I had killed werewolves for far less.

Still holding me in my new fur cocoon, Alpha Cain walked us out of the Pack House. It suddenly hit me that I hadn't left the house in almost a week, since my last failed escape. Now that summer was coming to an end, I could see that Alpha Cain was correct- it was beginning to get chilly already. She-wolves get more easily cold than male wolves, and it was likely that Alpha Cain never gets cold, since he is such a strong Alpha.

His strength was extremely obvious. Even with a thick pelt in between us, I could feel his muscles protruding from his shirtless body. Most of the times I see him, he is only wearing sweatpants. No shirt, no shoes. I subconsciously wondered if there was another reason why he did not ever wear that many clothes, or if he just did it because it was easier to shift that way.

He walked us through his pack land in silence, leaving me to my thoughts. Occasionally, one of his pack members would walk by, and I would burry my face in his chest to avoid eye contact. Alpha Cain chuckled the first time I hid, and the second time he told me once his pack member was out of sight, "You can't be bashful forever. Once I mark you we will have a traditional Lunar ceremony where you officially become the Luna and connected to the pack, and you will meet everyone." I sighed heavily, pretending that that would be a future problem I would have to deal with, knowing I would be gone before then.

"I will admit though," Alpha Cain murmured in my ear, sending chills down my spine, "My wolf really likes seeing you so shy and submissive, pup." My throat constricted. The mate bond had grown so much stronger with every day I spent with him, and I knew I had to leave, fast. I wondered if there was something magic about the pelt, as I could feel the mate bond almost double in strength as soon as he wrapped the fur around me.

"I can hear your heart beating quickly in your chest, pup," he stared into my eyes so intensely I felt as though he could see right through me. I found I couldn't move my eyes from his. As if reading my mind and answering earlier thoughts, he said, "The Blood Lake pack is the oldest pack. We are also the most in tune with nature, and our wolves, and I am more connected with my wolf than anyone. All past Blood Alphas are almost more wolf than human. I don't wear shoes so I can be more connected to the Earth. We make most of our items out of wood, and keep fur everywhere to keep in touch with our roots. It is what makes our wolves so strong. It is why our wolves can feel the mate bond so quickly, and so intensely. Although I will admit, it seems like you are so out of touch with your wolf, it is almost like you don't have one." He frowned as he said that.

I looked away from his harsh gaze and ignored him. I suppress and alienate my wolf as much as I possibly can. It is one of the many benefits of ingesting wolfsbane. Luckily, I could conjure the poison, since it was technically a weapon. Even though the wolfsbane suppressed my wolf subconsciously, I could still shift if I wanted to, but my wolf was just weakened.

Alpha Cain continued to walk through his pack land, and deeper into the surrounding forest. I wondered if he had a specific location in mind, or if he was just waiting to find a good spot to sit. He didn't try talking to me again, and I appreciated the silence. When I got bored of looking at trees, I turned my head and looked at his chest. Instinctively, I took my hand out from under the pelt and traced the tribal tattoos that wrapped all over his chest and back. They did not seem to resemble a specific object, nor did I recognize the pattern, but I was sure he chose them for a reason. Using my pointer finger, I continued to trace over the swirls, ignoring the faint tingling in my finger. I continued to touch the tattoos, completely entranced, as if a spell were cast on me.

I was released from the spell when I heard a low growl, and felt vibrations stemming from his chest. I yanked my hand away, and smiled guiltily, like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar. When I looked up at him, I was surprised to see how dark his eyes were. His irises were nearly completely black, like when his wolf is in control. I realized that his eyes were so dark naturally all of the time because he was so in tune with his wolf. I felt like I understood him and his pack better, like why traditions were so important to them.

He growled again, and commanded, his voice hoarse and strained, more animal than human, "Keep doing that." I obeyed, not wanting to send his wolf over the edge. I was so convincing in my loving mate act that I actually almost started to believe myself.


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