Mother Nature

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*Pitch's P.o.V*


        I let him go after the incident. I pace quickly across my underground palace, weaving myself through the shadows. I call a nightmare to my side.

        "Follow him!" I snap "Quickly; Quietly!" and with that the nightmare snorts and races through the shadows. I slam my hands on to my globe and growl quietly. How could I just lose control like that!? Dammit! Now he's racing back to the Guardians. The image of him with a violet eye is burned into my memory. I move at the small shuffling behind me.

        "Hello father, It's nice to see the you haven't aged a day since my abandonment" There's a harshness to her voice that Pitch had not heard. He turns quick enough to send his robe twisting at his feet.

        "Emily Jane..." He moves only a fraction towards her, believing his eyes were playing tricks. She moves farther into the shadows, just like her mother had taught her. The reminder of his late wife comes unbidden to him. Seeing his distraction Emily Jane moves even further into the shadows, letting them wrap and whirl around her.

        "Oh Father, You seem to have some regrets. Perhaps they are that you let mother die, or that you ABANDONED US AND LEFT US BOTH TO DIE!" Her voice progresses to a shout. Pitch winces and frowns.

        "I didn't abandon you, not in the least." He says softly, wishing he didn't feel cornered and startled by her sudden appearance. He hears her fists clench, he knows she angry with him. He realizes that in a sense, he did abandon his family.

        "Yes, you did. You left us, and me being just as adventurous as you, I snuck out only to return to an empty home!" She says. Pitch snaps.

        "THE FEARLINGS TRICKED ME! THEY USED YOUR VOICE TO TRAP ME! SO DON'T SAY I ABANDONED MY FAMILY FOR TEN YEARS OF MY OWN FREE WILL!" He slams his fist against the globe, effectively cracking it.

        "You never came looking for me, But Sanderson Mansnoozie, he found me and kept me from destroying myself." She says quietly, smoothing her dress that is made of the elements.

        "Get out" Pitch is now beyond angry, he is savage. She had mentioned the one person he absolutely hated, unconditionally. She blinks a few times but make no move to leave his palace.

        "W-what.." She asked, still shocked


        "I said Get out. I'll be leaving, I've got business to attend to. I don't want you here when I return." With that, he strides out of the main room and towards the surface tunnel.

        "Huh...Coward" She slinks back into the shadows, dropping his old locket to the ground.


Sorry it's short, Darlings, I really only wanted to do Pitch's point of view for this chapter. This was just something that I felt was important. Anyways, Here ya go, hope you like it! <3

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