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Y/n POV:
I wake up to hearing screaming and yelling from downstairs. I get up from my bed slowly so I won't make noise and so my parents won't know I'm up I don't want them yelling or hitting me so I'm just gonna get ready. I get ready and this is what I'm wearing...

 I get ready and this is what I'm wearing

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I check the time in my phone. It's 8:15 am shoot I have to go to the bus before it leaves.
Skip to school
I finally get to school and go to my first period class.
Talk to my friends basically have a normal first period.
Until the teacher calls me to the front
Ugh not again.
T:hey y/n come here please
Y/n: yes
T: Go to the office and take your stuff
You go to the office and see a cute boy with curly hair standing there
O: hey y/n can you show him around he's new here
Y/n: ummm sure ig (if you don't know what ig means it stands for I guess)
O: okay thanks
You and the cute boy walk out of the office
???: hi my name is Diego what's yours?
Y/n: oh my name is y/n
D: oh that's a cute name 😏
Y/n: uhhh thanks ig *blushes*
Y/n: okay so can I see your schedule
*hands you schedule*
Y/n: lucky you you have all the same classes as me except for 3rd and 5th period
D: oh yay 😄 I have classes with a pretty girl 😏
*bell rings*
Y/n: oh that's our cue we have to go to 2nd period

You take Diego to 2nd period
Skip to lunch
You get lunch and look for your friends and Diego to sit with. You found your friends and sit with them for some reason Diego wasn't in the lunch room. He probably got lost ehhh he'll find his way. A couple minutes later you see Diego with two girls and 2 others boys. Out of the two girls he was with one of them was a girl you've hated for so long cause she would bully you. Ugh of course she takes him away from me 😠.
You get up and walk towards Diego
Y/n: oh hey Diego wanna walk to 4th period together when lunch is over
D: sure why-*gets cut off by one of the girls*
???: ummm actually I'm walking him there so no 😒
Y/n: oh stfu ona🙄
O: bitch make me
Y/n: with pleasure bitch 🤣
You punch her in the face she tries to punch you as well but she misses two punches you go on top of her and start fucking her up Diego and the two other boys and the other girl try breaking the fight up they managed to break it up
T: hey! Y/n and ona go to the office NOW

Stay tune for the next part and see what happens next....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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