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Rose "POV"
I woke up early today. I rolled to the other side of my bed to check my phone. It was 5:30 in the morning. After a few minutes contemplating if I should get up, I finally did. Today is a special day because SMTM 5 is holding auditions and I'm participating well if I pass. Honestly I'm kinda scared that my traumas might get in the way of that. I grabbed a towel and took a shower.


I came out with a towel around me and head straight to my closet and chose a outfit
(Without the purse)

I came out with a towel around me and head straight to my closet and chose a outfit (Without the purse)

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As I'm done getting ready I put my in 2 braids

As I'm done getting ready I put my in 2 braids

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It was now 6:33 now. I went to my kitchen and started cooking breakfast for myself.

It was 9:30 am now I came to the auditions and it was a long line. I went to go sign in "hello" I said signing my name on the handout she gave me and in return she gave me my number 4527 with my name on it and went to the line. Once I came in the line people were either praising or cursing the producers by the way they are judging us.


I was finally inside after standing for hours in the sun but I still had to wait. As the lady told where to stand I tell her thank you and sat down minding my own business. After a few more hours it was my turn the person judging me was producer GIL "hello" I said with a bow "are you ready"GIL said "yes I am"

Uh oka there people here
Thinking there the best
But they haven't seen me yet
Because I'll show what they don't
And that's skill while everyone here around me think they hard and that
Fu over there taking out a gun like
It's some prized possession I'll show
You what a real gun do and get a headshot
As I'm done producer Gil said well done. Me thinking he just said it to be nice I turn my body in defeat but "here you go you pass" I turned right over once again and see that he is handing me a necklace. I grab it with a smile on my face. The cameraman put the camera at me so I turn to it and said "I made a pass you owe me 50 bucks" I said smiling as soon as they left a lady said I can go sit down now.
But they asked if I can do an interview
Q: how do you feel about the judges?
A: I don't care who the judges are honestly I came here to rap and win a competition
Q: do you think any of the judges are handsome?
A: ya I do
A: that's a secret
Q: oh. Who do you think are you're competitors?
A: I think it's either cjamm or BewhY
Q: who owes you 50 dollars?
A: my friend
"Interview over"
As I came out of the interview room I went back to my seat. After a while some of the staff members came and told us we can leave now.

Two days past now and during those two days I was either practicing my rapping or I was training. Today was elimination round the 60second round. I got up from my bed and got ready but I put on something casual because I was feeling lazy today

With a leather jacket on the back is a design of a white wolf with the same color eyes as me and on top of it queen is spelled across, but I was in bandages my right ankle was wrapped and my left hand, the thing is that I had a busted lip also bec...

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With a leather jacket on the back is a design of a white wolf with the same color eyes as me and on top of it queen is spelled across, but I was in bandages my right ankle was wrapped and my left hand, the thing is that I had a busted lip also because of a drunk at the bar.

I came to the shooting site and went into the room as I sat down I noticed some people staring at me which I found very uncomfortable. I ended up sitting in the front row to the left as more people enter in I noticed that some of the good rappers I found as competition.
After a while it was my turn to go. My turn was right after BewhY
Staff "next is a person who caught the eye of the audience"
Everyone looked around but I noticed some looked at me especially the people around me
Staff "Rose"
I let out a sigh and got up
I was walking with the mic in my had and was messing with the name tag as I came to a stop in front of bar doors sound effect started to ring around the stage. I opened the door to see all the judges in front.
"Hello"I said to with a bow "hello" everyone said back "I chose her I think she was the best out of everyone here" said GIL and he looked so proud about it as well. "Uh I don't know about that but thank you" I said with a bow again "may we ask what happened to you" ssamD ask "oh it was my brothers fault because he decided we should go to a bar" I said. They seemed surprised but started to laugh "alright let's begin" dok2 said
Uh okay all these rappers here think they can win but like a wolf I'll rip them to shreds and howl in the night, half of these players here are amateur level they can't beat the boss,-oh that's me. Their pride is on the line and when times up they'll go back to their families heads down. While the judges here are stirring up a controversy on who passes on just a gut feeling I'll be riding myself to the top with a check in my hand and the people in the back talking shit saying who the heck she is she isn't half as good as cjamm or BewhY. I got to say then if I can't win come up and show me what you got because none of you ain't my competition. And if you think you can then you must be going mad because you ain't earning enough money as me and I'll show you how the real streets do it.
As I'm done I finally looked at the judges they looked I got all pass and the judges look like if they won or something because all of them and stood up "amazing where did you learn how to rap and move like that" ssamD asked me "I learned on the streets" "what streets because I know it isn't here" ssamD insisted "of south Los Angeles" I say but to there surprise they seemed excited. "Can I ask you something" I asked all the judges they said sure "can I go down this way it seems fun to go down" they laugh but obligated. all of them pressed the button. As I went down that way I see the cameraman, go up to it and showed it the necklace and a huge grin across my face.

As rose went the judges were praising her on how well she did "the people after her are going to try a little harder" SsamD say and everyone else laughs
Simon Dominic & Gray
Q: how did you feel about roses stage?
A:it was amazing it's like it sucks you in and you just want it to continue-gray
A: ya and when it Finnish's it just stays there -Simon Dominic
Kush & Zion T
Q: how did you feel about roses stage?
A: it was like a wake up call saying that she isn't here to play she's here to kill-kush
A: it was amazing and I thought we can do many things with that voice of hers-Zion T
Dok2 & The Quiett
Q:how did you feel about roses stage?
A: we have that money coming in like chi-Ching-dok2
A: ya and we want her on our team- the Quiett
GIL & Mad Clown
Q: how did you feel about roses stage?
A: it was amazing I'm hoping she comes to our team-GILL
A: it was precise and it felt like she knew she was going to win-Mad Clown
* interview over *
Rose "POV"
I came back to the room and everyone was clapping I just kept on bowing until I reached my seat. I looked up to the and went to them to ask if the have a first aid kit they said ya. I went back to my seat and waited but cjamm was next to and asked me if I was a fan " ah no sorry I just know about you" I said and he kinda looked defeated but then asked if I was a fan of BewhY " ah no sorry I just know about him as well" I said again but then the staff came with the first aid on time and was thankful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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