.: fifty-five :.

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vinny is annoying: i'm official cool guy :)

ur daddy: FUCK YOU

me: i'm kinda shocked that sitkowski won

vinny is annoying: what why

me: ross is taller than you haha

daddy brendon: ryan ross is a twig

pwussi boy dallon: that's so true omg

h dog: that was a great experience thank you for that vinny

ur daddy: shut the fuck up you only enjoyed yourself cuz you were up chris's ass the whole time

chris motiontits: yeah for real

h dog: i-

chris motiontits: never said i had a problem with it

h dog: :)))


lesbian lynn: i like how when we played vinny's switch we all crushed awsten in smash bros


me: y'all brendon and i were making out 2seconds ago

daddy brendon: we bouta do something else in 2seconds ;)

me: i like where this is going ;))

h dog: man i wish i had someone to make out with damn

fuck you ryan: *cough cough* chris *cough cough*

chris motiontits: shut the fuck up before i shove my foot up your ass

pwussi boy dallon: kinky ;)))

j(ho)enna mcdougall: dallon pls

ur fav aussie: can we just talk about how mitchel and clinton ended up fighting too??

geoff the wig: if by 'fighting' you mean clinton slapping the shit out of mitchel then yes this topic is open for discussion

natural blue: why the fuck was that so formal get out

mitty: eye-

sax god: the oldest always has the best fighting skills

j(ho)enna mcdougall: that's why i always win against kyle

pwussi boy dallon: KYLE IS MY SON DONT HARM HIM

j(ho)enna mcdougall: HES MY YOUNGER BROTHER ITS MY JOB

sax god: fuck i felt that on a spiritual level

h dog: guys chris is my number one best friend on snapchat

chris motiontits: whoopdeedoo

h dog: you're so mean to me :((

chris motiontits: i'm really not but ok

vinny is annoying: ooooo

fuck you ryan: y'all should date

chris motiontits: still need to get to know her more

h dog: :D

lesbian lynn: halle's literally laying on jenna's floor and she's smiling so big

j(ho)enna mcdougall: this ain't right i think she died

chris motiontits: oh my god

daddy kellin: good morning

pwussi boy dallon: it's fucking 4:30pm

vinny is annoying: kellin missed the fucking fight

daddy kellin: i forgot about it

daddy kellin: who won

vinny is annoying: i did B)

ur daddy: fuck off

me: i just had some car sex

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