School Crush- chensung

186 5 2

Jisung's p.o.v
I sighed as I walked into my high school.

Another day that will just be as crappy as the others. But I'll see my friends soon. Well, after first period.

I walked to my first class of the day, English class. I usually sleep through this class since we almost never do anything. But today seemed like it was going to be different for some reason.

It was about, fifteen minutes into class when there was a knock at the door. One of my older friends showed up. He was a senior. It was Taeyong. His eyes searched the room and they locked with mine.

He then looked over to Mr. Kim Kyungsoo and said,

"Hey Mr. Kim, can I borrow Jisung for a little bit? Baekhyun needs us!"

Mr. Kim nodded,

"Yes! Go ahead Jisung! Oh and tell Mr. Park when he's done with you two, to come see me for a minute. I have something for him."

Taeyong and I nodded, and I grabbed my backpack. I walked over to my hyung and he had me follow him. When we walked past Mr. Park's office, I got curious as to where we were going,


Taeyong looked back at me and said,

"Yeah Jisungie?"

"Where are we going?"

He smiled,

"Chanyeol's room."

I nodded

We were going to the band room.

We exited the main building and walked to the band room. Once Taeyong opened the door to the room, I saw almost all our friends. Well like seven of them. We have a pretty big friend group.

I saw, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Haechan, Mark, Lucas, and Jaehyun. I rolled my eyes once I saw Taeyong walk over to Jaehyun and sit in his lap. The Instagram worthy couple were together. It was going to get grossly cute.

Jaemin then stood up said,

"Ji, take a seat."

I looked around and saw Mr. Park in the corner,

"Sorry about this Ji, they made me. Apparently it was urgent."

"Oh come on Mr. Park! I trusted you!"

I knew what this was going to be about. It's always about the same thing with these eight. Well usually like eleven except Jungwoo, Ten and Johnny weren't here.

"I said I'm sorry Ji. And I've told you like ten times to call me Baekhyun! You can call Chanyeol Mr. Park, but call me Baekhyun!"

I nodded and sat in the seat in the middle of the room,

Jaemin sat back down and looked at his phone,

"Where are the other three!?"

Jaehyun looked over to Jaemin and said,

"Calm down, you know Johnny and Ten don't have to come to school until noon, give them a break. They'll be here soon. And I don't know about Jungwoo. Ask Lucas."

Jaemin turned to Lucas and Lucas pulled out his phone,

"I'll text him. 'Hey snoopy, where are you at??'"

I laughed at my hyung as he read out what he was typing. Right as soon as he said,

"And send!"

The door the room opened and Jungwoo ran in,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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