disclaimers !!

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hey there!! my name's hailey, and i'm here to write oneshots and headcanons because i have absolutely nothing better to do with my life!

i just wanted to say a few things before we start, just to clear up any confusion for requests and such. it shouldn't be too much, i swear :-0

okay so, first thing i want to get out of the way (because i know people like reading for these characters haha,,) is that i probably won't be writing for the teachers in here :'-)
yes, we all love them, but i'm a minor and it kind of makes me uncomfortable to write romancey type things for adults, oops. however, if it's something like a parent and a child or whatever, i can probably do that :-)

now onto general rules!

1) i do both headcanons and oneshots, so feel free to request either! i may have requests for one or both closed, so if i do, please try not to request for what i have closed until i open them again.
(as a little side note to that, please request on the requests page. it's the next chapter ;-) )

2) as of now, i'm not going to be doing full blown smut/lemons. however, i'm okay with doing limes, fluff, angst, platonic relationships, au's, and other such things! this may change with time, and i'll add a warning before each chapter starts.

3) please be sort of specific when you request! here's what i need for both kinds of requests;

- character[s]
- scenario
- readers gender (optional)
you can request up to five characters per headcanon, and if you like a previous headcanon that i wrote and it didn't have a character you liked, i will write it again with different characters :-)

- character
- whether you want it to be a lime, fluff, angst, platonic, etc
- au (not required! if you don't add one, i'll just set it in the bnha universe by default)
- readers gender (optional)
- scenario (so i have an idea of what to write. can be as detailed as you want, just please give me enough to work with)
you can only request one character per oneshot, but just like the headcanons, if you liked the idea behind a previous oneshot and want it for a different character, feel free to request it again and i'll see what i can do :-D

4) as stated above, stating the readers gender is optional, but please note that i kind of go to female by default. it's just what's easiest for me. don't let that sway your requesting, though, i'm up for writing female, male, and gender neutral readers!

5) i'm also a-okay with doing same-sex relationships and things that do with lgbt. i think it's adorable, so feel free to request that as well!

6) that being said, you can request both male and female characters!

7) please try to keep it positive in the comments! i want this to be fun for everyone, and looking at people debating/arguing in the comments or being rude really doesn't make me want to write more. so let's keep the good vibes going :-D

8) another reason. i'm probably forgetting something,,
just because i know he makes people uncomfortable and whatever, which is no bueno. so let's not request him lol

9) also let's stray away from anything that's illegal, such as adult/minor relationships. i'm cool with like, criminal!readers and whatever, but i think you understand what i mean when i say illegal. thank you in advance ;-)

10) there may be manga spoilers in here, but i will add a warning before the chapter begins!

11) i added this last because i just remembered,, yes, there will be swearing in here. i hope that was obvious enough, but i'll point it out just in case lol

i hope all of these are okay, and if so, feel free to request! some requests may take longer than others, since i'll probably write for what inspires me the most. however, your request will be done!

also, please keep in mind that some characters may be ooc, since there's so many and i haven't written for all of them before. if you happen to request someone that i'm uncomfortable writing for, i'll let you know and you can choose someone else :-)

anyway, though, i think that's all i have to say for here! i'll add to it if i'm forgetting anything, but i think we're good for now haha. i hope you enjoy the oneshots and headcanons, and have a lovely day or night!!

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