Chapter 23

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Abhi opened his eyes and holds his neck making frowning face as it is paining bit because of his sleeping position... He looks down and saw His wife is sleeping peacefully in his lap and a smile crept on his lips... He caressed her hairs softly...

He looks up and his eyes widened in amazement or may be amusement to see SwaSan sleeping in hugging position... His smile goes wide and wide... He wanted this only... His thoughts are right..! They are Perfect for eachother...!

He really hope that his Little Brother will come out of his Cold world and will get the real fruit of happiness..! Not only him..! All MM brothers wanted this only... Sanskar is hiding himself deep inside his heart and had built a strong cold wall around it... He didn't become like this with his willingness but The world outside has changed Him..! He couldn't cope up but to give up... He gave up on himself long before and turned himself like this... Into a Cold Arrogant Person..!!!

Abhi had a fear that Sanskar would never get real happiness if he keep on going like this... He is not letting anyone coming near him... They've tried and tried and trying till now...! But Nothing is happening...

But now they got hope in the form of Swara..! He knew well about His Doll Swara... She is totally a Chirpy, Bubbly and Innocent Princess... She is full of life and spread colours and happiness in everyone's life... She'd fill her colours in His life too and would make him the happiest person... He always craved for Sanskar to be a part of them... And still waiting for the day when he will become one...

And now he is sure that day is not very long... He will soon live his life like everyone... And he knows that Sanskar would take care for her well...

He smiled softly adoring both SwaSan... He felt Pragya is moving and looks down at her... Pragya opened her eyes and looks at him... She is about to say something but Abhi shushed her and signed her to look at other side... Pragya frowned and turned towards the bed... She smiles widely seeing SwaSan...

"They are looking so cuteeee, hey na?", Pragya asked slowly admiring them while Abhi nods his head and said Yes...

After few minutes, he looks at the time it is 4.30 am only... He sighed...

"We won't get sleep after this, Come Let's go out and take a walk..", Abhi said softly while Pragya nods getting up... They left the room leaving SwaSan alone sleeping...


Sanskar wakes up when the first rays of sun entered the room... He felt something different..! Different that he is feeling warmth and peace surrounding his heart... He looks down feeling someone's tight grip... He realised that it is not just someone but His One n Only Cute wife..! His Little Bak-bak..!

Swara is lying on his chest gripping his shirt tightly with one hand while the other is around his torso... Her beautiful orbs are closed and her long eyelashes are kissing her cheek, her hair strands are falling on her face making her look so cute... She is looking like an innocent angel dropped from heaven...

Sanskar admires her flawless facial features and brings his hand towards her hair strands which are hiding his view... He slides them softly and tugged it behind her ears...

He caress her cheek unknowingly, "how can anyone be this beautiful at the same time cute also..!", He thinks looking at His Little Bak-bak.!!

He shakes his head at his thoughts and looks towards the couch only to find it's empty... He slowly holds Swara's fist and and removes it from his shirt without disturbing her sleep... He makes her lye on the pillow and sat up... He stood up and walks to the window... He looks at the earliest sun which is waking up slowly spreading it's light and new hope across the world... But it didn't change anything inside him... He stood there silently watching outside...

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