Late night call..

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Yugyeom's POV
It was 11:00pm every one is asleep
I was chilling on my bed scrolling thro instagram nothing interesting but I got an idea to face time yeri but I didn't think it was a good idea so I tried to go to sleep.
Time skip 2:30 am
Okay I am staring at the freaking ceiling for 3 hours I kept moving around the bed ' I AM BORED!' I thought I was going to go to sleep but I got a FaceTime call It was yeri i answered the FaceTime.
Yugyeom :bold
Yeri : under line
Yeri: oh you replied, I thought you were sleeping?
Yugyeom: nope I didn't I wasn't feeling like sleeping!
Yeri : same, anyways umm how's life?
Yugyeom: it is not really normal but if you were here you would really light up the mood!
Yeri : gyeomie, i will come back really don't worry!
Yugyeom : I know!
Yeri : so how are the others?
Yugyeom: they are fine, I am not good at lying am I?
She shook her head
Yeri : nope still bad!
She said and we both laughed quietly
Yugyeom: they are depressed is the word to describe them but they are good too at the same time!
Yeri : that is good to hear! Are they eating well?
Yugyeom: that is the problem, Lisa noona, Chenle, ten, lucas, and winwin are not really eating the others are..
Yeri : I hate it when they don't eat! Are you eating as well?
I looked down I didn't really eat sometimes I didn't feel like it, it happened when she was gone
Yeri : gyeomie-ah, you know that I am alive right now right?
I nodded
Yeri: well even if I was really dead, would you stop eating?
I slowly nodded my head
Yeri : you know how would you think when I know how you are not eating, not being healthy, not communicating well, angry all the time , and sad all the time?
She said slowly as tears fell
Yugyeom: yah, stop it your making me cry and I don't want you to cry too!
She laughed and wiping her tears
Yeri : please eat so you could be healthy, for me..
I nodded
Yugyeom: don't worry from know on I will try to stay healthy!
Yeri: that's the gyeomie I know!
I smiled cheekily
Yeri : can you believe that I am going to school!
Yugyeom: jinja?
She nodded pouting
Yugyeom: awww, aniyo you have to get educational which grade are you?
Yeri : eleventh grade...
Yugyeom: good so you only have one year and you will finish school!
Yeri : yeah I know! How's mark?
Yugyeom: he almost said that you are alive but I stopped him of course and he is doing well and healthy!
Yeri : that's good to hear!
I nodded
Yeri : oh my god, it's 3:10!, sorry for keeping you up so late!
Yugyeom: ani, I'd love to talk with you more but you have school too!
Yeri : I know, well goodnight gyeomie!
Yugyeom: goodnight, saraghnae!
Yeri ; nado saraghnae!
Yugyeom: ❤️❤️❤️
Yeri : ❤️😴😍🥰
After that late night call I closed my eyes and drifted to dreamland!

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