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Chapter Twelve
"For Angel!"

Nick Wallace had been in Birmingham for only a few days, but he was already looking forward to getting back home to America. The place was shabby, dirty and polluted, and even the air was massive stretch from what he breathed in his home country. Not to mention, he was certain the Shelby's were trying to make his life a living hell, even despite Arabella's reassurances that they meant nothing by it, and were purposely trying to scare him because they found such great enjoyment in pissing Arabella off – and it was definitely working.

"Well don't you two look lovely," John stated with a wry smirk as he approached the couple. Arabella was dressed in a dark green flapper dress, wearing her most expensive jewellery and a pair of new heels that were absolutely going to tear her poor feet to shreds. Nick wore his smartest black suit, and had even forked out on an expensive new pair of shoes for the occasion. He had his arm wrapped tightly around Arabella's waist, and smiled politely at John, despite having become fed up with his constant teasing.

"Thanks John," Arabella smiled sweetly, motioning her head to the side. "Now fuck off."

John scoffed. "Charming."

They were attending the charity dinner for the Shelby foundation, though the only Shelby Arabella had actually properly seen the entire time they were there was John. She'd caught sight of Tommy for the briefest of seconds before he disappeared to talk with a priest in another room. Grace had been slowly making her way around the hall, wearing the most obnoxiously expensive sparkling, blue sapphire around her neck. Arabella had talked to the woman for a while at the beginning of the event, having realised she'd never actually managed to have a proper conversation with her before. She could tell Tommy adored his wife, and Arabella understood why, Grace was so kind, and absolutely stunning, the perfect addition to the Shelby family. She was looking forward to getting to know her better.

"I'm gonna get us another drink," Nick told Arabella, removing his hand from around her waist.

"Okay," she smiled up at him, watching contently after her boyfriend for a moment, until her eyes accidentally landed on Michael from across the room. Arabella released an audible sigh as their eyes locked and Michael soon began to head towards her. She quickly shifted her gaze elsewhere, turning away to pretend she hadn't seen him.

Michael, in the least creepy way possible, had been watching Arabella and Nick for almost the entire night. This was the first time he'd spotted she'd actually been left alone, so he was taking his opportunity whilst he had the chance.

Nick had, of course, noticed Michael's watchful gaze on them all night, and was growing irritated with his girlfriend's business partner. But Michael couldn't help himself, there was something about Arabella that always drew him to her. He knew he shouldn't be thinking that way, especially since he had Charlotte now, and Arabella had Nick, but even when Michael tried to concentrate on something else, his eyes were always drawn back to Arabella.

Also, he really wanted a chance to apologise to her about how much of a twat he'd been lately.

"Jesus, what do you want?" Arabella mumbled as he eventually stopped in front of her, not even giving Michael the chance to greet her.

"Nice to see you too," he responded, to which Arabella scoffed, necking the rest of her champagne.

"You sure about that?"

Michael released a heavy breath. "I wanted to apologise to you for how I've been behaving."

Arabella's eyebrows quirked in surprise, never in a million years expecting an apology to come from him. "You're apologising? You're actually apologising?"

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