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   Hydra had lost the Winter Soldier. Their most prized weapon. They were more than a little pissed. But they stayed quiet. This was the scary part. Why didn't they come after him? Well that was because they had a weapon in progress. One that no one knew about. One that would bring the Avengers and the world to their knees. 

(Third person POV) 

    "Alright team, here's the plan. Tony and Rhodes, you go up and give us a reading of how many people are in there. Stay up there and tell us where they are. Natasha and Clint, you two go up around back and find a way in. Once you do, get to the control center and hack their systems. Thor and Hulk, you two take out their weapons on the outside and get anyone who comes out. Don't let anyone get past you. Sam and Wanda, you go in through the side and clear the building. Bucky and I will go in the front and search the building while assisting to clear it. Everyone clear?" Captain America ordered. 

      Everyone nodded and the team broke into their designated groups. The fight was on. Tony and Rhodes flew up and watched in thermal as everyone went into action. They would tell a team member when there was hydra operatives coming at them. They took it upon themselves to tamper with the operatives coms, making them useless. Natasha and Clint made their way in through the back and snuck into the control center. They took out the hydra group in there and proceeded to download all of Hydra's information. Thor and Hulk took out all of the weapons outside along with a bit of assistance from Tony and Rhodes. They also kept anyone or anything from exiting or entering the building. Sam and Wanda found a side door and took out any operatives in sight. All in all it was a quick battle and no one was injured... well none of the Avengers anyway. Bucky and Cap made their way through the front and finally met in the middle with Sam, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. 

    "Alright. Lets get ou-" Cap started. Tony cut him off on the coms," Hey Capsicle, looks like there are still some hydra agents you missed." Cap sighed and called everyone together to search the building. Wanda used her powers to block the exits so no one could get out. The search was quick and simple for everyone. They had all split up to cover more ground. There were only a few minor hydra agents left and it took no time at all to take them out. The team was actually surprised by how easy this mission had been. Though they knew that this was a minor hydra facility. 

       Tony ran into Steve," Hey Capsicle. Looks like we cleared the building, but I'm still picking up on something. The things vitals are pretty bad. They kind of look like a skeleton on the thermal. Looks like Soldier boy is getting closer to it."

    Right after Tony said that Bucky got on the coms. "Guys I found someone. They are in a cell. I need help getting them out." Everyone ran to Bucky's position. 

(Y/n POV)

    It was a normal day. I had been moved from one of Hydra's top facilities a few days ago and sent here to this low grade one until everything was scheduled for me to be moved to the head facility. There they would do their test to see if I was ready. They did it every year. I was so tired. So tired of the torture, of the experiments. I had been the weapon that would be the end of society as you know it. I was to have the Winter Soldier at my side until he escaped. I was happy for him. Never met him, but I know he had it bad too. Hell, for all I know he had it worse. I just wish I could get out too, but that was easier said than done. I don't get let out like he did. I am not brainwashed like he was. I don't need to be. Once I am ready they will inject me with a serum that will give them control of me. 

     I was put in my cell after another excruciating torture/experimentation session. Not too soon after there was commotion. At first it was faint and outside, but then it got louder. Whatever it was, it was inside and caused a full out battle. My only thoughts were,' Hope they kill them all. and just blow this place up while they are at it.' Though my thoughts quickly changed when I heard the gunshots.

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