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---Hello everyone. Sorry for not updating in a while. I have been very busy. But I am back and will try to make an effort to update as much as possible. Now with this villain, if you have watched Captain America Civil War he was the villain in that, but if you read up on him you will realize that he goes back and forth on being a bad guy and is actually one of Captain America's top villains. He also thought Bucky was dead but when he found out he was alive, he sought revenge on him too. So he really hates Bucky and Cap and will not stop until he gets his revenge. In this story, civil war didn't really happen yet, and they still know the other superheroes like Scarlet Witch, and her brother (Who is alive in this story). Bucky accepted living in the tower after they kept an eye on him for some time in an old Shield Facility. So basically Civil War was just delayed in this story and kinda starts now. Enjoy.---


    I woke up with the world spinning. I turned my head a bit but stopped when I was met with pain in my neck. There was a collar. Oh no... I know this kind of collar... Hydra used it. I took a look around the room I was in. It was dark. The only light I had was emanating from the small window in the room that held a view of outside. It was near the ground, had no glass, and was barred. This was horrible because it was snowing where ever I was and the room was freezing due to the cold air and snow coming from the window. I burrowed into a corner on the wall with the window to hopefully gather whatever warmth I had left. I stayed like that for a long while until I heard footsteps. 

    The door opened and I was momentarily blinded by the light. In came a man I had never seen in my life. This made me feel a bit better because that meant I wasn't in Hydra. He had no Hydra clothes on him and I would have recognized him if he were a guard coming to collect me. The man said nothing as he pulled out a high tech phone and pressed a few buttons. He then started to talk to someone via some broadcasting thingy. I soon realized he was talking to the Avengers. He had a German accent and spoke of revenge against Captain America and Bucky. I saw the screen and watched as all of my friends stood talking to the man. They demanded to have me back. They all looked worried and tired, though I knew only I could tell that. The man didn't know their body language like I had. I took time watching their body language on the two trial days just in case they would attack me. 

     The man seemed to become fed up and pulled me up into view. He had set the phone up on this stone piece that stuck out of the wall that I hadn't seen. The man grabbed my arm tightly and grabbed my hair to lift my head up. I grunted and clenched my teeth. This made me very anxious. I tried to be strong but the memories were flooding back. This angered the team which made the man grin. He could now read right through Cap and Bucky. "I see this girl is something special to all of you, but especially to Mr. Barnes."

     I gave a look of confusion but it quickly went away when he slammed my head against the stone and threw me backwards so that I was still in view. My head was spinning even more now and my head hurt like hell. I struggled trying to get up or even lift my head to look around. The man once again came closer and I muttered, " N-no... St-stay away..." 

     He grinned," The files said that you were punished for speaking. I even took the liberty of finding you collar." I went wide eyed with fear. He pulled out the dreadful remote and pressed a button. A heat emanated from the collar causing me to whimper. I tried to hold any emotion down. That stopped when he turned up the heat and a small flame erupted from the collar. It wasn't enough to leave a burn, but it hurt like hell. I yelled out and squirmed on the ground. He then changed to electricity. I yelled out more. There was yelling coming from the phone screen. I couldn't quite hear it over my own. The man switched it to a freezing which caused me to cough and start scratching at the collar. It itched and burned but when I tried to scream I could just cough.

      He had done this so he could start talking to the team. Bucky was yelling swears at the man and Tony sounded like he was going to set him on fire. It sounded as if Bruce had left the room long ago. The man then pulled out a file. My file. He read off everything hydra had done to me during the experiments. Things I had purposely forgotten. I tried to cover my ears as tears flooded my eyes. I started having a panic attack. I couldn't breath. My head was still pounding from the hit and I was certain it was bleeding. All of a sudden something came over me. The reason I was Hydra's secret weapon. There was this ringing in my ears and I couldn't feel any pain or emotion. I could think, but only had one thought in mind. Freedom. 

     I stood up like a corpse and took a second to gain my balance. Then I turned straight towards the man and the phone and saw myself on the screen. My eyes were golden. I snapped my gaze to the man as he turned towards me. He pressed a button on the remote but I couldn't feel anything. I advanced on him as he desperately pressed buttons while backing up. The others on the call had gone silent as they watched. Even Bruce had come back in. The man pulled out a gun and started shooting at me. I moved like a blur and dodged all of the bullets while advancing on him. Suddenly I was in front of him and didn't even think as I slammed his head into the stone he had slammed mine into, and threw him across the room as if he was a doll. He was knocked out cold. 

     I picked up the remote and it crumbled to dust in my hand. Tony and Bucky then started to speak. I flicked my gaze to them. "(Y/N), we need you to listen carefully. I am going to tell you how to find and send me coordinates to your location..." I didn't listen to the rest as I just grabbed the phone and immediately sent him the coordinates through hacking the systems. I couldn't even begin to tell you how. Tony hadn't even began to tell me. As soon as I did I hung up and threw the phone causing it to shatter near the man. I left the room and walked straight to the center room where I sat in the middle. It was cold in here too, and by the time the Avengers had arrived, I had long since went back to normal. I was shivering, in pain, and an emotional wreck. Silent tears had fallen and left streaks down my face, but I was no longer crying. I sat staring at the floor. That is when they came. Bucky was the first to reach me. He enveloped me in a gentle yet firm hug. I thought about just staying still, but I instead rest my head in the crook of his neck. My arms lay limp at my sides until Bucky tried to pull out of the hug and I wrapped my arms tightly around him. 

    In the end they couldn't find the man and I wouldn't detach from Bucky. He had picked me up bridal style and walked with me out of the building. The building had been an old Hydra facility in some random country. A blanket was wrapped around me and Bucky kept me close because of body heat. Well that is what he said, but I could tell there was something making him not want to let me go. I shrugged it off as him being a protective person and thought nothing of it. I just felt numb now. Not like I had before, but a numb that was vulnerability. 

    We all were on the jet after a while and took little time getting as far away from that place as possible. Everyone looked too unsure of what to say or do so they said nothing. They all looked as if they had been scared for life. I didn't blame them. There was a reason I had forgotten those things. There was a reason only a few were to read that file, and there was a reason it had never been read around me. I now knew all of those reasons. And the last reason scared me.    

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