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"Does it feel different?" Jordan asked, turning her head and using the conversation as an excuse not to watch the horror scene unfolding before them on the screen.

"Does what feel different?" Pixie asked, smoothing down the sheet mask on her face.

"Being married?"

"Not really," Pixie shrugged, "I mean- I guess the whole travelling to another world thing brought us together. It's a bit weird to refer to him as my husband, too. That's difficult to get used to, but it feels weirdly nice hearing him call me his wife."

Jordan had a wide grin on her face as she listened to Pixie. It was obvious how much she had grown to adore Taehyung, "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yeah," Pixie smiled sheepishly, picking up the remote and lowering the film's volume, "Enough about me — tomorrow's your big day, you excited?"

Jordan nodded before sighing, "scared as hell though. I can't help but think I'm- something's going to mess up. I really really hope not."

"I doubt it will, don't worry," Pixie smiled, "have you and Jeongguk talked about where you want to go for your honeymoon?"

"No," Jordan murmured, "Lucian said last minute choices are okay."

Pixie nodded, examining Jordan's expression for a moment. She seemed uneasy. "Is Jeongguk- are you unhappy about marrying him?"

"No," Jordan replied quickly, "He's really fun. And sexy. And an amazing kisser, oh my God. I could honestly kiss him forever if-"

"That's good," Pixie interrupted her with a laugh, knowing she wouldn't shut up if she was allowed to carry on. "I got a little surprise for you, by the way."

Jordan's eyes widened, "What is it?"

"I got someone to come to your party. Flew them over. Someone very close to your heart."

Jordan frowned, raking her mind for an answer, "You know I hate surprises," she murmured, "is it a celebrity?"

"Nope," Pixie grinned, "and that's all you get to know," She hushed Jordan by forcing her to eat popcorn when the girl opened her mouth to try and persuade her, shaking her head, "No use. I won't tell you."


Taehyung whistled loudly as he walked into the bedroom, startling Jeongguk, "Today's the day! You need to hurry up and get breakfast, Jordan's just eaten so you're free to leave."

"It doesn't make sense why I can't see her," Jeongguk muttered, getting off the bed.

"You're telling me," Taehyung scoffed, "at least you only have to go one day, and at least I have the decency not to snog my girl in front of you."

Jeongguk laughed, grinning at Taehyung (who sported a rather tired expression) as they walked downstairs, "You two are flying out today, right? You get all the time in the world to do whatever you want then."

Taehyung smiled but rolled his eyes, "Don't talk like that."

"Like what?"

"'Do whatever you want'? What's that supposed to mean?"

Jeongguk snorted, "I meant it innocently. You took it the wrong way — that says a lot about your intentions, huh?" He joked.

"Yeah right," Taehyung muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment, "You can't talk. We both know how much of a horndog you are."

The two entered the dining room before their conversation could continue, where plates of food were set out and Jeongguk's parents sat. The breakfast was light, which annoyed Jeongguk — he saw how little Pixie and Taehyung had gotten to eat yesterday and he just knew he'd be starving.

Jeongguk hadn't been able to finish his breakfast before he was rushed into a dressing room, away from guests who were beginning to flood into the castle and the more esteemed visitors who were arriving downstairs after staying the night in guest bedrooms. Taehyung followed behind, watching with a small smile as Jeongguk was suited up.

"I look fucking sexy." He complimented himself once he was ready, looking in the mirror.

"Get over yourself," Taehyung joked, turning his head only to see Jordan's face peeking through the small window in the door. She was clearly tip-toeing and struggling to see but was carted away before Taehyung could say anything about it.

"I didn't even get to see," Jordan pouted as he mother held onto her shoulders, taking her away to finish styling her hair.

"Good," Her mother tutted, more fondness in her tone than annoyance, and she brought her to the room.

"You look so cute!" Pixie cooed when Jordan entered. She was already in her dress — ivory, with a lace bodice and off-the-shoulder sleeves — and had her makeup ready. It was just the final touches of her hair which needed doing.

"I'm not cute." Jordan protested as she was sat down in a chair, her stylist positioned behind her.

"You are," Pixie grinned, walking towards her, "My beautiful cute little sister." She laughed when Jordan fake gagged and had to resist from playfully smacking her, looking at herself in the mirror after. She wore a dark red dress which matched the other bridesmaids. She intended on changing for the evening party. She silently hoped Taehyung did not intend on getting drunk during that party. It was less the press she was worried about (she could deal with them) but more the flight that they were to go on.

"I've just been informed that the guests are all seated, Your Highness," a maid informed them, bowing before leaving the room.

Jordan's eyes widened, batshit crazy butterflies beginning to flap around in her stomach. The stylist stepped back and she stood up, looking nervously at Lucian who had entered the room to collect her.

"Hey, don't worry," Pixie whispered, giving Jordan a smile from where she stood in the doorway, "everything's going to be fine." She then disappeared to join the other bridesmaids, walking as fast as her heels would let her.

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