Part one

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It was a cool autumn night, wind howling at the top of its lungs. The air outside was crisp and cool. However, I wasn't outside experiencing it. I was inside. Wrapped up in 2 layers of blankets. I had just turned 14 a few weeks ago. Life is hard as a teenager, it's even harder when you're blind. I had grown up blind, I was born blind. My father left me when he heard the news, he left me alone with my mother. My mother is taking good care of me, she makes me feel safe and warm. But some thing's been off with her lately... Even though I am blind, I feel like something is watching me. I wonder if she feels this way too... My thoughts consume me as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up, something soft and warm streaks across my face. Sunlight. Or so I've been told, how could I know? I've never seen it before. I chuckle at the rambling thoughts in my head. Just as I begin to sit up, I hear the door open. "Oh, Honey! You're up!" I hear my mother say in her sweet tone. "Yes mother, I'm up" I reply in a sarcastic tone. Though I cannot see, I could feel her warmth as she beamed at me. "Breakfast is on the table" She said caringly.
I made my way through the oh so familiar house. I've lived here for so long that I no longer need my sight to navigate. I make my way into the kitchen; I seat myself at the breakfast table and feel around a plate that is set in front of me. I hadn't noticed that I was starving until now. Naturally, I started eating at what tasted like egg and bacon. Just as I finnished, I heard a shatter from the kitchen. I shot up immediately, onto my feet. "MOM!?" I shouted from where I stood. I hear footsteps quickly making their way to the dining table, "yes honey?" She was panting, she sounded like she was out of breath. "I heard a shatter are you alright?" I question in a worried tone. "Y-yes... I thought i saw something in the yard just now... It's probably nothing!" She reassured me, "thank goodness that you're already on winter break, that little figure of my imagination might have paranoid me if you left the house" She seemed like she was rambling.
The day quickly passed I didn't do much but hang out in by bed room and let my mind wander. Night quickly came... And my mother hadn't come to tell me goodnight yet... I assumed she had just dosed off on her own, I know she is very busy during the day. I begin to lay down and tuck myself into bed, that's when I heard it, I heard my door silently creep open...


Hello! This is the author! This is actually my very first wattpad story!!! I am very exited and I hope you all love the story! 524 words whew! I know that I just finished a semi-long story but I'mma keep writing!!!

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