Mac Mifune a Prologue Continues

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4:00 a.m.

"Mifune! Heya, Boss, wait up!"

"Kelex, you know I don't like being followed."

"Yeah-yeah Boss, I know. I'm ah- we're just headin' in the same direction, that's all and I thought-"

"Kid, why do you even bother with that place?"

"I gotta make ah livin' too, Boss."

"I am not your Boss, Kelex. Find a better day job."

I noticed a break in the traffic and took the opportunity leaving Kelex sitting on the other side unable to cross with me.

"Yeah okay, Boss! Se-see ya next week!"

"Sure, Kid. Sure."

"Hey Boss! Good fight tonight!"

It would be hard for me to explain without starting at the beginning and my walk home isn't that long but all-in-all, this place has gone to hell and it's only getting worse.

Before I came to the Compound, well before the Compound was built rather; I was living at the Outpost. Before that, the Highlens. I even once stayed in a little tree house down at Coast's Edge. When the Humans arrived there was nothing but forest between the Highlens and the Intell, but like I said, things sure have gone to hell. Without any remorse for the grounds and it's residents of the Outpost, it took only minutes for the Earthlings to make the decision to clear it out and the construction of the Compound began.

Once they finished finalizing Human's DNA analysis, Kepler 's Enforcements felt it was best to screen beings whom have had close contact to these Humans also with anyone within the Compound that wanted to travel to one of the other eight dimensions on Kepler. Even after the first year there was a decline in access.

More and more port keys have been voided and we are now on Full Lock Down, but don't fear, Kepler Enforcements have you covered.

"Re-ha-bil-i-tation, Mr. Mifune." I could still picture her pale yellow skin stretched across her face with a crooked, unnatural smile.

That's what they actually call it, can you believe that? The Intell here have really gone mental. You can't fix humanity. You can't fix their gene pool, their attitudes, the hate, the selfishness. Destruction, "the violence!" None, of those things can be corrected. Earth and it's inhabitants reminds me nothing but of lost and pain. Look, just trust me when I say there's a reason we were alone within the milky way.

"We believe we can help you accept Positive Responses that will cancel any and all unnecessary infected ions in your double helix, Mr. Mifune."

Look all I know about PRs is that they put you through a drug induced, repressions simulation and use DNA enhancing ions and REM sleep to make Humans and anyone in contact with Humans, compliant because they already know how damaging these beings really are and what they are truly capable of if they could travel to the other dimensions, learn that kind of technology, visit other worlds. After only two years here on Nine there is already zero plant and natural wild animal life within the Compound. None. Not even a single blade of grass in sight.

I stopped a little down the way to light my gar from last night's win, no shame in smoking to a rough night.

Look, I don't hate you guys. My mother was full blooded and I have lived alongside Humans for eons. I knew some very endearing souls back on Earth, but you guys are just the reason I can't leave this damn place, so my anger may be biased at the moment.

An electric pop echoed in the distance and the smell Nitrogen Fuel filled the air. I raked the gar across the street and headed home with haste.

They sure do know how to catch some heat flying within the Compound like that. I'm sure my mousey, upstairs neighbor already has the I.D. tags. I wonder what brings such a fancy, antique to a place like this. Better get cleaned up before the Rats arrive. Don't wanna get caught up in that kind of heat.

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