chapter 1

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 The night is sneaking up on me again! But this time its different, there's eyes, two green illuminating eyes that stare at me, then to the dead person beside me.  Blood is on my hands there shouting my name, but i can't hear them, not when my eyes are transfixed on a hill.   I run for it faster than anyone could ever run.  I remember i am the fastest of them all. He shouts 'Jamie' I turn to see that there's a group of paramedics seeking the person dead.  The person who i killed, no! i don't believe it  I could never do anything like that. could I?  Then i remember the eyes staring at me before and the sound of feet slamming hard on the concrete path. I look around again but im not in the forest, not anymore.  I'm in an ally and theres a figure running after me, who?  I dont know I never know!

I'm screaming loud that it pierces my ears. My eyes arent open yet and I can hear people around me,  "Its okay"  their  shouting.   Its never okay , It won't ever be okay again, I blink. She's awake I hear as a gas mask is taken off my face, I sit up. "where am i?" I manage to say but my voice it too quiet for anyone to hear.  I know where I am,  in a van being dragged away again. "HELP" I scream and they run towards me with knives.  Not that they can run with how bumpy and how crowded the back of the van is. They tell me to shut up or they'll hurt me again, but im too scared too angry to not shout.  He cuts me on my arm "Fuck Off" I shout then wish I kept my mouth shut,  I've got it this time.

He punches, kicks, spits and thats not the worst. The van stops to a hault and i'm flinged out off the wooden work bench and onto the metal ground.  I hear my skull crack and my organs jump as if their trying to escape but its not them who needs to escape, its me.   I climb up as fast as I am oblivious to the pain that runs through my body.   I smash the window and climb out, for a 15 year old im small enough to fit.   I collapse on the dirt road and run further than I have done before, hearing them shout but not looking back, into the distance beyond eventually I manage to stop after so long.  I dont know exactly how far, about a mile maybe more or where i am even  . Im near a few mountains- well rock because thats what it is basically.  It looks kind of like the scenario of 'the hills have eyes' though I hope there's no cannabals out here.  I hide behind some vast rocks and watch as the sky turns dark and my predators climb out of the back of the van and onto the road. They each have M1 Garand Carbine Conversion Guns. The ones we trained with, I sigh. Its practically an 18 inch barrel shot gun, but it this business you should know the real name, Which i do. I just wish i knew how many bullbearings it had then i'd be safer and prepared. I duck down as they look in my direction. And i press my hand onto a rough rock. I feel a heavy wetness and the pressure of a piece of glass going deeper into my hand. I can't believe i was to paranoid with everything around me that i couldn't feel the pain aching through my hand as it drips with blood, leaving my trail. The fist still clenched and the same right hand that punched the glass to excape.  How could I not feel the agony thats stinging.  Then again what can i feel except nothing? 

I know they'll find me, they always do, but this time i don't care. The doors open again and a skinny creaure with four fury friends stand by his sides. 

"He's got dogs too?" i hear myself say outload. He's got four big German Shepherds but one that is is lighter than the others stands out the most. Also, in the middle the skinny creature i noticed get out first looks similar to a black pitbull in size and behaviour, but it isn't. As i look closer its a mongrel I'm sure of it. No-one knows what breed he is. No-one knows who is it except me. Its Max, my little protective Max and the German Shepherd to his left side i noticed before is my beautiful, tall Roxten. Lord Roxten, named after my favourite character in the 'lost world'. A program i used to watch with my daddy. 

All five dogs stand close to one man in particular, Cyrus- surname unknown. The one who wants me dead, Wants me gone of the face of the earth and i don't even know why. "Remember why" i correct myself outload. I hear quiet rustling behind me, but im to focused on the van driving away. Leaving the hunters and their prey behind. A finger taps me of the back and a voice whisperes "Jamie?" so sharp and deadly. I turn to scream, but a hand is wrapped around my mouth and a figure in a jacket is standing before me.  He's putting up a finger to the darkness under his hood used as a sign pulling his finger to his lips to tell me to shut up.   He flips my long, dark blonde, curly, highlighted hair back and puts a black bow in. The same bow I wore when I was little, the same bow I lost when-

He lifts up his hood so i can see his face, he grabs my left hand and rubs his other one across my cheek.  He hugs me and holds me tight I can't believe its really you he whispers into my neck and i pull him away.  He kisses my hand, the one thats cut and bruised and holds it to my chest.   I can even hear my heartbeat pounding so hard out of my chest, I think everyone can hear it. He's staring at me now waiting for me to talk.  He's staring deeply into my eyes the same thing he used to do when we was alone.  My beautiful hazel eyes he called them. The hazel eyes is dreaming about now, that are green as they are sparkling in the sunlight.   I cant even believe anything anymore and i can't believe its really him! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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