It's Almost Halloween » Brendon Urie One-Shot

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A large pumpkin sits in front of me and I put my hands on my hips with a pouty bottom lip. I point a finger at the pumpkin, "I am going to carve the shit out of you."

An hour of almost cutting my hand off, and rushing back into my house to was my hands due to the gunky insides, I have a shitty carved pumpkin in front of me. I pout again and cross my arms as I glare at the pumpkin.

"That looks perfect." A voice says, following by the loud sound of shoes hitting the concrete. Brendon, my best friend stares at the pumpkin trying to fight back a loud snort, and I hit him with my towel, "I love it."

"Fuck off, Brendon." I respond, using one arm to shove him lightly as I stare down at my deformed looking pumpkin, "I tried."

"Well, you certainly will terrify some kids with it." Brendon says after a few moments silence, looking at the pumpkin with a hard thinking look, nodding to himself.

I roll my eyes and kick the pumpkin, letting it roll down my doorsteps and splat on the ground. I groan and kick the air this time and run my hand through my hair, "Fuck this."

"Hey, Alice." Brendon says, placing his arms on my shoulders, "Don't give up because you're shit at making pumpkins -" I glare at him, "I'm telling the truth! Okay, but let's go get two more pumpkins, yeah? We'll carve them and light 'em up and all that fun stuff."


Brendon, Ryan, and I walk through the Halloween shop at the mall, Ryan and Brendon each with their own costumes in their arms and me stopping to look through every costume there is, not satisfied with any of them.

And Brendon and Ryan aren't any help at all, really, stopping at every slutty costume there was, and they'd hold them up, point to me, and nod slowly.

"Alice! What about this one?" Ryan asks, and I slowly turn around to be faced with a cheerleader costume. I get ready to flip him off before I look into the costume more.

I bite my bottom lip as I slowly move closer to him and take the costume from him, now sucking on my lip.

"Are you serious?" Brendon asks, crossing his arms and taking the costume out of my hands, "There's no way in hell I'm letting you go to a party in that!"

"No!" I whine, snatching the costume back from him, "I could go as like an undead zombie cheerleader. Pale make up and eyeliner and fake blood and all that. I even look like a cheerleader -"

"You were a cheerleader." Ryan points out.

"We don't speak of that." I mutter, recalling my brief girly phase where I was on the cheerleading squad, "Anyway, yeah. I'm buying this." I clutch onto the costume and pick up some fake blood and white and black makeup, and some eyeliner.

Brendon crosses his arms and stays silent through the whole buying process.


I burst through the door of Ryan's house with my costume on and throw my hands in the air, "It's almost Halloween!"

Ryan runs down the steps and stops in front of me, his eyes going wide at my costume. I giggle at his mummy costume, but he points at me and goes, "Brendon is going to slaughter you."

I shrug, "If he slaughters me I'll slaughter him." I pause for a second, "Wait..."

Ryan laughs a little bit before giving me a hug, "You look great, Alice."

"Thanks, Ryan." I smile at him before I remember something, "Oh yeah, I need you to do my eyeliner."

"Everyone always comes to me with this." Ryan mutters, rolling his eyes as I hand him my eyeliner.

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