"Lady parts" when you're a guy

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I went to my doc, based on the issue of bleeding when I shouldn't be. Fast forward like, idk, 6ish years and they say, "Hey, you're having this issue because you have cysts. Want to get them out?" I say, "Hell yeah! (Scared as hell!)"

So, I get them out, go through some really gnarly pain, then guess what? No more pain, or random bleeding when I shouldn't be bleeding. Know why? Because, problem solved!

Long story short, sometimes, take the advice of your doctor. On T, or not! If they say things have to go, or should go, let em go! Maybe there's another plan in store for you. Maybe not. Thing is, no matter how much discomfort it may cause you. Embarrassment, dysphoria, etc. THAT body, is trying to tell you something! Take heed!

I am now just about a year past oophorectomy and hysterectomy, I still get phantom pain, and I still feel incomplete. Maybe that's just a part of my mental health stuff (which yes, you do NEED to check up on), or maybe it's just a part of who I am. Not sure which, exactly, yet...

Anyway, hope that brief (and not very detailed) "story" was useful to someone!

Let me know, either way! Love you 3000! Yes, any and all of you going through any parts of this, as well as those who aren't! I love you 3000 too, just because you're trying to understand! And if you actually read through this, you're doing better than most!

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