Lies And Disguises

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Meanwhile, in Mobius…


"Lord Bernardo!" Tails cried out with pure relief the moment he saw the wizard arrive as the three hedgehogs struggled with the vines behind them, with Shadic accidentally placing his foot on Galahad's head.

"Tails, I need a full explanation." Bernardo demanded. "NOW!"

"Um… it's really a 'funny story', you see." Tails nervously replied. "But I have one question… Think you might be a bit overdoing the Vine-End Spell on them? After all, they are…"

"WHAT?!" Bernardo was losing his patience.

Despite his struggle, Shadic spotted Bernardo and grinned mischievously.

"Yo, Lancelot!" He called out to the ebony hedgehog, who got annoyed at the dark azure one. "Who's your cousin? He looks just like you! Double Fakers! Ha-ha-ha!"

"Shadic." Galahad sighed. "I don't think this is the right time to talk about this…"

'Ugh.' Bernardo and Tails had the same thought. 'No doubt they are still the same.'

"Tails." Bernardo rubbed his head out of stress. "Please, PLEASE! Tell me they are just temperate memory lost."

"Actually." Tails folded his ears. "The machine I built may not… be… well… the cause of their case. There might be a possibility… they are…"

"Come again?" Bernardo rubbed the side of his head. "Speak up, kid. I barely heard the last sentence."

"They are…" Tails nervously stated. "Um… from a different time of another dimension?"

Bernardo was in rage. He growled, making Tails freeze in fear before turning and walking away.

'I'm doomed…' The kitsune gulped.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" The wizard roared, letting out all of his rage as the kitsune and the hedgehogs pinned their ears to prevent themselves from being deafened.

"He's mad." The three pointed out.

"I don't need you three to know that!" Tails hissed.

Suddenly, he was grabbed by the wizard, who eyes began to glow fierce green as his power gem let out a string of green aura.

"GiVe Me OnE gOoD rEaSoN i ShOuLdN't GiVe YoU a NiGhTmArE oF a LiFeTiMe?!" Bernardo angrily threatened.

'No! Not the eye!' Tails was in panic as he froze in fright. "B-But aside to th-that, think w-we s-should t-take care o-of the c-current s-situation f-f-first…?"

Bernardo sighed and turned to the three hedgehogs. "Well, for once, you're right on this mess."

He stepped forward and looked at Lancelot straight in the eye. The dark brown one merely glared back.

"Now." He said. "I'm going to ask you one simple question… Do you know who I am?"

"No." Lancelot replied.

"Very well." Bernardo snapped his fingers, making the vines immediately pull away from the three hedgehogs. "Pardon me, I just have to make sure you mean no harm."

"And I thought you were trying to strangle us to death!" Shadic, as usual, was optimistic despite what had just happened. "But we're cool now!"

"You're letting us go?!" Lancelot felt suspicious. "Just like that?!"

"Let's just say." Bernardo shrugged. "I have a special 'gift' by reading your hearts."

"Lord Bernardo!" Tails shouted the moment he heard footsteps. "The King and Queen are coming!"

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