Chapter 1

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One afternoon at school in history class 2nd period ugh ,me Melissa Isabel Fernandez teacher "ok students so we are going to be learning about the early homminids.

After 2nd period was over here came P.E I went to go change, then my friend Araceli Olvera was there we were Best friends and we always hanged out anyways like I was saying the p.e teacher was such witch and she is really mean.

When ever I walk home with Araceli and me always pass by this house it's this kid that lives in there his name is Steven Fernandez he is a famous skater we would talk to him it's just he is to famous why would he wanna talk to us.

And me and her are scummies, so when ever we see him or pass by it is always with his fans.

Araceli said '' we should try to sneak in"and I said "Are u crazy we are gonna get caught. She looked mad when I said no then after I said "Araceli are u mad? Then she said "no I am not mad I am disappointed that u don't wanna go I thought u were a fan".

Then I said "I am it's just..... I paused for a moment.

She said " YOU ARE JUST WHAT" yelling at me

I said "i am scared cuz we are gonna met the

bae,life,my everything then I said ..... Let's do it

To be continued.......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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