screaming crying babies

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It all started the night of the fall. Everyone thought she was gone but.. They were deathly wrong.

Before the rise, dark and empty was all one can see.

One day Ash was walking through Wattpad headquarters holding a lovely art piece displaying hedgehogs in sinful acts. Many people like so would find art like that to be satisfying showing off natures kindest beauty but others who live in the darkness find it offensive.

Taking a long sword, moderator representative Dwight Shrute plunges the blade behind the girl killing her off without a warning. There was blood everywhere and she died, the picture getting burnt in the process.

That was before her funeral. Everyone cried at her funeral.

"Her books were good." Tails said standing over her grave with a single rose in his hand.

"Im gonna miss her epic personality" Guilu said.

Karen meanwhile was crying a river, her husband dead and suffering in the cold pits of the hole they put her in. Without her, whats a day without sunshine?

Suddenly a hand digs through the Grave and everyone gasps because out pops Ash with a smile and everyone cheers. Karen's river of sadness turns to a river of joy.

"I lived bitch." Ass said.

X_TheBigGay_X was back with a bang!


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