Chapter One

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The first thing you remember was a horrible, salty taste in your mouth along with a gross, crunchy substance. Sand? Before you could think of any more possibilities, you felt a cold rush of water hit your face. You quickly pushed yourself off the ground and pushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair out of your (e/c) eyes. You blinked a few times after opening them until the view in front of you became clear–a large ocean. That explained the salty taste and the water. You looked down to see yourself covered in sand.

"And that explains what's in my mouth," you mumbled before starting to spit it out the best you could. When you finished, you looked behind you. A large forest grew 20 strides away from where you sat. You turned yourself over so you were sitting on your backside instead of holding yourself up. Then, you tried to stand. You managed to get yourself up but quickly doubled over in a sore pain.

"Careful there, love," an unfamiliar voice warned. You gasped and turned around. "The shadow isn't known to be very gentle. There stood a fairly normal-looking boy. His clothes were the only thing that stood out to you. It looked like he was wearing some nature-themed costume.

"The shadow?" you repeated.

"Yes," he said, "it's what brought you here."

"Where is here?" you asked.

"Neverland, of course," he answered.

"That's bull-" you stopped when you remembered seeing the shadow outside your window before going to sleep. "That's not bullshit..."

"Ah, good, I don't need to prove anything," he said. "Come with me."

"No," you said firmly. He turned back to you with a smile. He looked over your shoulder and widened his eyes. You foolishly fell for it and turned around. You were greeted by dust.

~ ~ ~

This time, the first thing you noticed when you began to wake up was the softness of the material you were lying on. You let your (e/c) eyes flutter open and saw some sort of white sheet. You pushed yourself up and looked around, though you couldn't see much more than blackness.

"Someone's finally awake," a new voice said. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw a girl with a short brown pixie cut sitting on the edge of your bed. She stood up. Still unable to see very well, you weren't able to make out all of the details, but she seemed to be around your age, if not a little older and looked to be about 5'7.

"Let me guess, you're Wendy Darling," you said. The girl shook her head.

"Not even close. I hate Wendy. She's the reason it took me so long to be able to become a Lost Boy. After seeing her be so defenseless and whiney, Peter Pan assumed all girls were like that, so I had to work my ass off to prove him otherwise," she explained. You nodded slowly. "Anyway, they call me Hawk, but my real name is... well, that's irrelevant. What about you?"

"I'm (Y/N)," you said.

"Lovely name for a lovely girl like yourself," she said.

"Well, I can't see you very well but I'm sure you're not too bad yourself," you said.

"Oh, let me fix that," she said lighting a few candles. The flames illuminated her pale face. You could now clearly see she had a dark brown eye, but only one. The other one was closed with a long scar running through it from her eyebrow down to the middle of her cheek. Her outfit consisted of a brown long-sleeved t-shirt that fit very snug on her, light gray khakis, and a leather jacket of the same color. It reminded you of a hawk, which must've been related to her nickname. "That's better."

"Now, let's get you cleaned up," she said, holding her hand out for you to take. That's when you noticed her brown fingerless gloves and her sharp nails. You hesitated, remembering how sore your body felt when you tried to walk before. "Don't worry. Blue Bird put a special cream on you to nullify the pain." You nodded and took her hand. She pulled you up. Your arms and legs didn't hurt nearly as bad as before, so you guessed whatever cream this... Bleu Bird put on you worked.

Lioness (Peter Pan x Reader x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now