Chapter Two

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"Um, Sir? Is something the matter?" Blue Bird asked, tilting her head to the side. The sweet innocence that had earned the girl her name showed strongly in her bright blue eyes as her leader continued to stare at you. "Sir?"

"PAN!" another girl suddenly shouted, popping up from behind his shoulder. Peter Pan nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned sharply to face the girl.

"WHAT?!" he sneered.

"You were staring at the new girl like this. Duhhhh~" She leaned forward slightly, letting her arms dangle down at front of her. Her mouth hung open a bit and her tongue lay slightly out of her mouth. Her dark brown eyes were crossed. You laughed at the overdramatic imitation.

"I was not!" Pan defended. "I just got lost in thoughts."

"Thoughts about her," the girl said, putting a hand on her hip and gesturing to you. Pan rolled his eyes.

"I didn't request your presence, Gecko. Get out of here," he said.

"I dIdN't ReQuEsT yOuR pReSenCe, GeCkO," she mocked (with the same energy as Loki had in endgame when he imitated Captain America) before walking away. Pan just sighed and shook his head as he turned back to you and Blue Bird.

"I apologize for that. I truly was just lost in... unrelated thought. I didn't mean to stare," he said. "How about I make it up to you with an official tour of the island?" He looked over his shoulder. "GECKO! Get back here!"

"I'M BUSY!" she shouted. "GET HOOT OWL TO DO IT!"


"ANYTHING I CAN DO, SHE CAN DO!" Gecko said. Pan let out a frustrated sigh.

"I knew I shouldn't have let girls on this island," he mumbled. "HOOT OWL!"

"Yes, Sir!" the young brunette with two braids said, seemingly popping up out of nowhere. She had a bright smile on her pale face and a happy glow in her green eyes.

"Show Lioness around the island," he instructed. Hoot Own nodded cheerfully. "Blue Bird, you are dismissed of your duties for today."

"Thank you, Sir," the blonde said, giving a quick nod before leaving. Pan soon did the same, leaving you alone with Hoot Owl.

"Um, I like your braids," you said awkwardly. You weren't the best with children. Granted, Hoot Owl looked to be at least in her teens, she was still a lot younger than you. You had just turned nineteen about a month ago.

"Thanks," she said. "Ready for the grand tour of your new home?"

"Why not?" you said with a shrug.

"Then follow me!" she instructed proudly before marching into the forest with her head held up high. You held back a giggle at her extremely prideful behavior and walked behind her. "So you've already seen Wisher's Pond, right?"

"Yeah, I think so," you said, looking all around you as you walked. "Unless there's another pond I could've been taken to."

"No, there's only Wisher's Pond and Neverland Spring," she claimed, pulling a folded up sheet of paper out of her jacket pocket. She unfolded it and showed it to you. It showed a map of the island and some of the significant landmarks. "I made this myself. Peter told me not to because it would be too dangerous to explore on my own, but I did it anyway. I think he caught on because after the first few days of sneaking off, I had that strange feeling you get when you think someone's following you. I suspect it was Philip following me because..."

You started to tune Hoot Owl out as the beauty of the forest captivated you more and more. Everywhere you looked, you found something new to admire–a bird, a butterfly, a flower, a mushroom. But then you spotted a splash of blue between the trees in the distance–the ocean. You glanced at Hoot Owl, who was too busy blabbering on and on about whatever to notice you. You slipped out of sight and booked it towards the ocean, thinking if you just made it to the shore, you could flag down a ship or find a boat of your own and get off this crazy island.

"Whoa!" Your stomach dropped when you felt the ground disappear from under your feet. Before you could start falling more than an inch, a hand gripped your wrist. You looked up to see a masculine hand gripping onto you, but you couldn't see the owner of said hand through the leaves of the tree above you. You reached up and grabbed the closest branch to you and swung your feet forward to get them back onto the ground. Once you were steady, the hand let you go. Soon after you heard a thump of someone landing on the ground.

"You should be more careful," someone said, their voice like a lazy murmur on a Saturday morning, sweet and rough at the same time. You looked in the direction of the voice and waited. A tall blond boy stepped out of the trees onto the path. Just like Hawk, he had a scar running down his face, but his didn't go over either of his light blue eyes. The boy's light blond hair was a mess with sticks and leaved tangled in it's greasy strands. Even with this unclean look, the boy was still rather beautiful. At least, you thought so. "Aren't you the new girl? What are you doing in the middle of the forest on your own? Trying to escape already?"

"That is none of your business," you claimed, crossing your arms.

"Unfortunately for you, it is," he said. He grabbed the back of your shirt underneath your jacket. "Alright. Let's get you back to camp."

"LIONESS!" a familiar voice called out before you could even protest. You heard footsteps approaching before Hoot Owl came running up to you.

"Ah, so you were getting a tour, weren't you?" the boy figured. "I thought Gecko was the one who gave those."

"I can do anything Gecko can do!" Hoot Owl claimed.

"Then tell me why Lioness here almost escaped," he said.

"Ugh, can we hurry this up," you said impatiently.

"Oh, I'm sorry, your highness," Hoot Owl said with a scowl. "Do you want me to roll out the red carpet for you on the way back?" She started walking back to camp, expecting you and the boy to follow.

"Aw, look. You made her mad," the boy teased, his voice still groggy and dry with not much emotion in it. You rolled your eyes. "Alright. Come on, Princess. Let's go."

"It's Y/N," you grumbled as you began to walk.

"Actually, it's Lioness," the boy corrected. "And I'm Felix by the way."

"Why aren't you like Brown Bear or something?" you asked. "Wait, no, no, no, you should be called Meerkat. I feel like that fits your look more." Felix let out a small chuckle and shook his head.

"Only the girls go by nicknames," he explained. "It started with Hoot Owl. She doesn't know her real name. Her parents gave her up before she was old enough to know it. And her brother already had a kid of his own when she was born, so he barely saw her and forgot her name was well. When she showed up to Neverland, Pan somehow immediately recognized her despite only seeing her as a baby. Turns out, he's been using magic to keep an eye on his sister and sent the shadow to specifically pick her up and bring her here. He called her Hoot Owl because of how wide her eyes were with wonder."

"Okay, but why for the other girls?" you asked.

"Well, when Hawk came to island, she knew her real name, but Pan didn't want his sister to be the only one without a real name anymore so he called her Hawk until she just went with it. And he did it with the others too."

"Well, I'm not going to a part of it," you claimed proudly. "I'm going to get off this island and get home no matter what it takes."

"That's what they all say," Felix said with a sigh. "You'll quickly find that you love it here."

"I doubt that," you said. "I hate this island and I hate you." [and it's like 5 chapters later, y'all are like making out or something] As you said this, you walked back into camp. Gecko noticed your arrival with Felix instead of Hoot Owl and approached you with her hands on her hips.

"Let me guess, she ran off and you saved her from something?" she said. Felix nodded. Gecko laughed and shook her head.

"What is going on here?" Pan asked, walking up to them. Felix explained the situation. "Ah, I see. Well, people who try to run away get punished. Let's see what we can do, then, shall we?"

~ ~ ~

Word Count: 1490

Lioness (Peter Pan x Reader x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now