Chapter 68

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Me rn^

*A week later*

Jeongin opened the door to his dorm, entering he saw Jimin typing away at his computer and notebooks littered his bed.

"Hey" Jeongin said as he closed the door.

Jimin looked up and watched as Jeongin put his bag down on his bed and took off his shoes before saying "Hey" back.

"What are you working on?" Jeongin asked stepping into the kitchen.

"An essay it's due in two days" Jimin called out.

Jeongin came back holding two juice boxes, "Catch" he said and tossed one to Jimin.

"Thanks" Jimin said softly.

Jeongin nodded and sat on his own bed, taking out his notes for him to study.

Jimin watched Jeongin as the younger read his notes and he couldn't help but admire the beauty that Jeongin held.

He closed his laptop and moved to sit on Jeongins bed.

"Can we talk?" Jimin asked.

"Um sure" Jeongin said putting away his notes.

"I need help" Jimin sighed.

"With what?" Jeongin asked. He noticed the way Jimin began playing the hem of his shirt. Something he did when he was nervous.

"My feelings"

Jeongin giggled, "Well you came to the wrong person honey because I can't even figure out my own"

He grabbed his unopened juice box and opened it, drinking the contents.

(Why am I explaining him drinking a juice box, what?)

"My feelings for you" Jimin blurted out, making Jeongin choke.


"Listen, just let me speak and you just listen, okay?" Jimin asked. Jeongin nodded.

"Okay. I like Woojin, a lot. I know that for sure, for sure. These past few days me and him have been hanging out and I've been starting to like him even more. But remember that night at the trailor when me and you," he trailed off.

Jeongin nodded his head, "Yeah I remember"

"Well I always liked you. Ever since I found out you were my roommate I liked you. At first it was just admiration. You had all these friends who would support you no matter what and yes I have friends like that but we all went our separate ways. I mean look at Yoongi and Hoseok they're famous now"

"You know Yoongi and Hoseok!?" Jeongin screeched.

"Yeah?" Jimin said confused.

"Why haven't you told me that!?" Jeongin yelled.

"You never asked" Jimin pointed out.

"Kind of sucks though because Yoongi and I used to date until he became more known and so did Hoseok and they became a duo. We broke up with the idea that we'll see each other soon and get back together but now Yoongi is with Hoseok but it's fine I havent seen them for like five years..why am I telling you this?"

"You dated the Min Yoongi and never told me, how dare you. Soulmate card revoked and given back to Seungmin" Jeongin crossed his arms.

"Jeongin" Jimin sighed

"Yeah, sorry" Jeongin said getting serious.

"Did you feel anything that night? Because I did. My heart went whoosh. And that's when I realized I didnt just admire you, I liked you a lot. But I also like Woojin, a lot." Jimin explained.

Jeongin began to have Deja Vu. It was the same situation with Chan. That's how everything started. When he drunkenly slept with Chan. And now he was scared.

Because he drunkenly slept with Jimin. And what if the same thing happens? And him and Jimin start dating, what will be the outcome. Because of course Jeongin still had feelings for Chan but it was now he realized he had feelings for Jimin as well. But was he just mixing up his feelings?

"I know what you're thinking. I am too. I want to know if I'm just mixing up my feelings because I dont know what to do with them" Jimin said and Jeongin nodded.

"How do we find out?" Jeongin asked.

"We kiss. And if you dont feel the same way you feel when you kiss Chan. And I dont feel the same way I feel when I kissed Woojin-"

"You kissed Woojin!?" Jeongin screeched his eyeballs going big.


"And why wasn't I aware of this?"

"It was in the heat of the moment, shut up. It literally happened this morning" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Oh" was all Jeongin said.

"Anyways, if we dont feel what we feel with them then we have our answer" Jimin said.

"And if we feel something stronger?" Jeongin asked.

"Then you know" Jimin shrugged.

"Yeah" Jeongin whispered.

Jimin looked at Jeongin, his eyes flickering to his lips. They both leaned in and Jimin did the last move and pressed his lips against Jeongin's.

The kiss was slow and passionate, ass if they were testing out the waters.

When they pulled apart, both breathless, and both of their lips red and swollen, they just stared at each other.

After a while Jeongin broke the silence,

"Do you have your answer?" He asked and Jimin nodded,

"Yeah I do. Do you?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah" he whispered.

When everyone says that the trick up my sleeve is a Sequel and I'm just here like...

When everyone says that the trick up my sleeve is a Sequel and I'm just here like

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That's not what I had in mind🤡

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