Why did this happen? Why did he do this to me? Blind in my left eye; scarred forever. He tried to kill me, for what reason? What’s so special about me that the FBI would want me dead? Where can I stay? Where can I go? Certainly not home. I can’t go to my sisters or grandmothers. They’d expect that. And how would I even get there? He sighs. I’m alone. From a Rich kid to a street Rat just like that. All because dad left, Mom died. Sis is in another country and Grandma hates me. Why not just let them take me?
A small smile comes across 19 year old Gage Morgan’s face. “Funny.” he says aloud. “I don’t even know why I’m running from them”. He looks up at dark sky from the roof top where he lays. “But apparently it’s bad enough to where they want me dead.” He hears the beating of the helicopters out in the distance and the searchlight heading in his direction. “Hell. Looks like it’s time to move again.” He picks up his duffel bag and slings it over his shoulder and looks down to the ground with a grin. “Just another crazy day in an insane world.” He looks up at the sky. “Right ma?” he looks down with a mischievous grin as he hears the siren and see the lights get closer and closer. “Just another crazy day in paradise”. He spreads his arms turns around closing his eyes and leans back letting him fall to the earth