10th Grade

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It wasn't until 10th grade that Rigby realised he had a thing for Mordecai. He'd denied it all throughout elementary school and Middle school, but now he finally knew.

It annoyed him that he had fallen for Mordecai, as he knew Mordecai could never reciprocate these feelings. But alas, he couldn't help it. Mordecai had pretty much been the only friend he'd had for his whole life. From kindergarten all the way through elementary school and into middle school, Mordecai had always stood by his side. The two were just such a perfect duo; they had the same interests, they went to the same school, they only lived a couple blocks apart. Life was great.

They always stayed over at Mordecai's on the weekends and played video games or watched movies into the late hours of the night. Near the end of elementary school, Rigby had become a lot more touchy-feely with Mordecai. He didn't know why, but hugging Mordecai felt really good. In the mid years of middle school, it wasn't uncommon for Rigby to fall asleep in Mordecai's arms while watching a movie. That'd stopped in the last year or so, much to Rigby's disappointment. Mordecai said he stopped because that was how he held Margaret and it made him a little uncomfortable now that he was dating. Rigby understood and begrudgingly stopped as well.

And here they are now. Mordecai and Rigby were still best bros, they still spent the majority of weekends and schooldays together and they were still pretty much inseparable.


Rigby looked into the mirror. He was wearing his best shirt along with his jeans. He always liked to dress good when he and Mordecai went to the movies. After Rigby's recent revelations about his sexuality and his relationship with Mordecai, he wanted to look extra good at all times around him. He knew that it was pointless, but it was still just felt natural to try look good around him. He sprayed on some cologne and walked downstairs into the living room. Mordecai's mom was giving them a ride into town, so he sat down and waited for them to pull up outside. They lived in a pretty nice area in California, so the sun was out in force. Even just looking outside made his eyes hurt.

Eventually, he heard the sound of a car horn outside which prompted him to check himself one last time before heading outside.

Upon entering the car, Rigby noted that Mordecai looked considerably more distraught than normal.

"Hi Rigby." He said, a weak smile on his face.

"Hey man." Rigby responded "What's wrong?" Mordecai looked out of the window for a second before his mom responded for him.

"He and his girlfriend had a falling out." she explained.

"Oh." Rigby responded. "Are you still gonna be able to enjoy the movie?"

"I guess." Mordecai said with a dreary look in his eyes.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Rigby asked.

"Maybe later." he said. Rigby's mood had been affected now. He hated it when Mordecai was sad.

"He told me that it was because she was angry that he spent more time with you than her." Mordecai's mom chipped in.

"Mom!" Mordecai shouted in anger.

"Really?" Rigby asked Mordecai. He sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you might as well know now." Mordecai admitted. "And she's not my girlfriend anymore." Rigby's eyes widened.

"She broke up with you!?" He asked, astounded.

"No. I broke up with her." He explained.

"W-what?" Rigby was amazed. "You broke up with the girl of your dreams?"

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