Tail Feathers

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Mordecai rapped his knuckles off the tough wooden door. Not 10 seconds later, a very excited looking Rigby opened it.

"What are you doing back here?" Rigby questioned.

"David went to the bar, and I want to see my boyfriend." Mordecai said. Rigby's heart did somersaults at Mordecai's use of the word boyfriend.

"Come in." Rigby grinned "I just started watching Area 52."

"Aww man! I love that movie." Mordecai exclaimed as he shut the door behind him. Mordecai walked in front, giving Rigby the chance to admire his tail feathers. He knew he shouldn't be perving so much, but he couldn't help it. Mordecai's body was just too perfect.

"Quit staring." Mordecai said with a grin as he walked into Rigby's room. Rigby blushed and looked up to see that Mordecai had been watching him the whole time.

"I- sorry." Rigby spluttered. Mordecai chuckled.

"I'm only joking dude. You can stare at these babies all you like." He said as he gently ruffled them with his hand. Rigby turned red, quickly laying down on the bed to hide his excitement. Mordecai lay down next to him, deliberately positioning his tail feathers to be right next to Rigby's face. Mordecai clicked 'play' on the dvd player as he slowly inched his butt closer to Rigby's face.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" Rigby wined.

"Doing what?" Mordecai giggled. Rigby pushed Mordecai's ass with all of his strength, causing him to almost fall off the bed. Mordecai turned back around, giving Rigby a fake death glare.

"I'm sorry!-" Rigby began, but he was cut off by Mordecai smashing his lips onto Rigby's. The two moved closer together again as Mordecai got on top of Rigby. Now that they were together, Mordecai could get a little more risky. He lightly pressed his tounge against Rigby's lips. Rigby, after taking a moment to decide, opened his mouth a little wider to allow Mordecai to come in. Mordecai wasted no time in shoving his tounge inside of Rigby's mouth, running it along his teeth and wrestling a bit with Rigby's. Mordecai pulled away and looked at a startled and dazed Rigby. Although he had the deer in the headlights look on his face, Rigby felt as if his best dreams were coming true. His crush asked him out and made out with him all in the same day. Mordecai stared into Rigby's eyes.

"Do you want to touch them?" He asked Rigby.

"Huh?" Rigby questioned, still not quite on this planet.

"My tail feathers." Mordecai elaborated "Do you want to touch them?"

"If I say yes will you think I'm weird?" Rigby asked.

Mordecai answered Rigby's question by grabbing his arm by the wrist and slowly moving it behind his back. Rigby began to sweat nervously as he felt his hand being placed just above where Mordecai's tail feathers met his butt.

"Go on." Mordecai encouraged. The small raccoon anxiously moved his hand down Mordecai's back until eventually meeting the aforementioned feathers. Rigby was surprised by the softness of them. Rigby wrapped his hand around one and left it there. This was the most intense experience Rigby had ever had with anyone.

"Dude..." Mordecai laughed at the raccoons nervousness "I do have more than one you know."

Rigby gulped.

"S-sorry dude... I've never done anything like this before." Rigby tried to explain. Mordecai chuckled.

"Like this..." He said as he gently ran his hand along Rigby's tail towards his body. When he got to the base, he started running his hand up Rigby's back, his fur sliding between Mordecai's fingers, sending shivers up Rigby's spine. Rigby let out a very low moan, but Mordecai still heard it.

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