Year Seven: Really Like You

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For the past two weeks, I decided to surprise visit Minjoo at her house over the summer. I grasped onto my Portkey, wishing for the magical object to work and hoping it will transport me over to her house. Before I knew it I felt uncomfortable and downright unpleasant, I wobbled and tried to steady myself, instead failing to do so and tripping. Travelling by Portkeys is not pleasant at all.

After hearing someone yelp out of surprise, I looked up to see Minjoo with a guitar in her hands. She was shocked, eyes wide and frozen from my sudden appearance. I stood up as I fixed my hair, straightened my clothes while smiling. I waved out of embarrassment from the unexpected entrance I had.

This was not the entrance I hoped for.

"Hi Minmin! I've finally made it here, and I'm glad it wasn't some random place! It would've been really awkward trying to explain whatever would've happened." I laughed as I saw Minjoo's facial expression of pure shock.

"Why are you so shocked?" I chuckled, having Minjoo look at me in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I be shocked?! You're in my room all of a sudden! Without any warnings!" She sputtered out. "W-Why are you here anyways?"

"Do I need a reason to see my girlfriend?" I bluntly say, seeing my new girlfriend's cheeks turn pink and having her squirm from my forwardness. Minjoo placed her guitar on top of her bed and patted the spot beside her. The latter began pinching my cheeks as I sat down on top of the bed. I pull her hand off and link our fingers together and intertwine them. 

It hasn't even been five minutes with Minjoo, yet here I am smiling like an idiot and having my heart race rapidly.

Leaning closer, she placed her soft hands as it cradled my face and a pair of soft eyes were staring back at her, only inches away. I felt the world stop at that exact moment, my face suddenly feeling hot under Minjoo's touch.

Minjoo blinks back at me, having both of our brains short-circuit and malfunction. My gaze dropped down to her lips, and in the second after that, Minjoo's lips began moving against mine steadily and gently. One of my hands found it's way onto her waist. 

As our lips part, our faces were still close enough that her breath ran across my lips when she spoke. "Chaewon..."

I felt my heart pound quickly and harshly against my rib cage. I waited, wondering if she would take her hands off my face, if she would stop looking at my lips, but I didn't want her to.

I leaned closer and dipped my head to meet Minjoo's lips again.

The second kiss wasn't as slow as the first one. My other hand settles on her back, pulling the girl closer towards me. Minjoo was passionately kissing me and it set something off like fireworks inside my chest. I pulled away for a breath, and it's Minjoo who chases after my lips, eagerly connecting and locking our lips together again. I reciprocate the kiss, afraid that Minjoo would disappear if we stopped.

I felt her tongue brush across my bottom lip, I felt my thoughts go haywire before dying inside.

I was about to complain and whine when Minjoo broke the kiss, but then she pushed me onto the bed. She stared intently at my lips, leaning forward to bend down and capture my lips. She pulls away slightly and brushes her lower lip against my upper lip, teasing me. I wasn't having it, so I pulled her down by the neck and connected our lips in a more heated and passionate kiss than before. I felt Minjoo smile against the kiss from my impatience. I trailed my hands slowly from her waist to her arms.

The kiss was interrupted by someone calling Minjoo's name from downstairs. The girl on top of me pulls away first and shouts back at whoever was calling her name from before. "I'll be downstairs in a bit mom!"

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