Chapter 1-(fluff)

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 (Author's Note: This is before the Yule Ball.)

Harry's POV)

I sighed and grumbled. Almost all the Gryffindors had to dance with professor Mcgonagall, WHICH INCLUDED ME!! I scoff as I continued walking down the dark corridor, then I stop. I hear music coming from a classroom, it's classical and calming. I follow the sound until I'm staring at Malfoy sitting while Snape starts explaining something. I suddenly remembered my invisibility cloak and put it on, I stalk closer until I hear a sound that sounds even more beautiful than the music. Draco's laugh. I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was shocked I had never heard him laugh and I wish he would do it more often. I turned to see what he was finding funny, which was Snape whipping his hair back and forth. I was trying so hard not to laugh, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Draco get up and start dancing terribly, but obviously in a funny manner, all the while he was smiling. I felt my heart quicken and my cheeks feeling hot. 'My gods he's so cute.' I thought, smiling.

'But he's an ass to you harry,' my rational side taking over my thoughts.

'Yeah but he's so cute! Like how is it possible to be that cute!' I had thought which made me smile even more (if that's possible you Cheshire Cat)

I hadn't even realized it had been an hour but soon enough the music was stopped and Draco was leaving. I started to walk back to Gryffindor tower. I crawl into my bed still thinking about Draco. My gods, I think I like him.

(Time skip to the next morning)

Apparently I seemed off to Hermione and Ron because they wouldn't stop asking me if 'I was okay or did something happen?' And I think Hermione noticed that I was looking at Malfoy all day. So she asked me just before we entered the dining hall I told her it was nothing and that he just makes me mad. Of course she didn't buy it, but it looked like she wasn't gonna comment on it right now.

Everything had been going well during dinner but I found myself always staring at Draco. I was at a loss. He was so gorgeous, his porcelain skin and his white blond hair gleaming in the sunlight with those gray eyes that pulls you in like a storm. He is breathtaking. Then, he looked up and me and his face turned into a confused look, I blushed and looked away.

This has been continuing for three days. Today, I decided at 7:30 to go to the library. "Why?" You may ask, because I heard that Draco was going to head there, which now I'm stuck reading this book about magical beasts who lived long ago (10/10 would read), which is pretty cool.

It's now almost 9, which means I'm fucking tired! I feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

(A/N: Harry is sitting on the floor and is now leaning against a bookshelf)

(Oooh time skip so original)

My eyes flutter open and I realize that I'm still in the library, but something's different.... I'm leaning on someone, it's not like I care. I'm fine with it, especially when I glance up to see Draco. I smile and pretend to go back to sleep. I hear Draco say something.

"I wish I had the courage to tell you that I liked you, Potter." he sighed.

'WHATT!?! HE LIKES ME?!? AWWW WHAT Should I DOOO AHHH?!??!!' I thought, my heart pounding.

"You're cute when you're sleeping, Potter." Draco whispered to himself, before kissing ME oN tHe HeAd! Draco slowly moved my weight back to the book shelf and left, once I was sure he was gone I opened my eyes and started to freak out.

I ran back to my common room only to see Hermione talking with this girl? Guy? Honestly I couldn't tell; they were just wearing gryffindor colors.

"HERMIONE!!!! I HAVE AN ISSUE!!" I yelled, making my way over to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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